Original Articles Optimization of Achievements Assessment of Preschool Children Using A Virtual System
Aida Norviliene & Sada Ramanauskiene pp. 1 - 10 Abstract In this article authors present assessment system of preschool children achievements in Lithuania, present the teacher's opinion about achievements assessment description of preschool children. This article presents the recommendations for children's achievement assessment optimisation using virtual systems. The applied qualitative research using individual interviews, a total of 7 preschool education teachers and managers from Klaipeda region. The results: optimization of implementation of achievements assessment description of preschool children to using virtual system of description; rationalizing and allocating the cost of labor in the teaching process; better education planning process with regard to children's individual needs and abilities, which are determined in virtual system of children's achievement assessment. Keywords: Preschool children, achievements assessment, optimization of assessment, virtual system. | |
Original Articles Foreign Language Teacher Education: School Placements as a Source of Knowledge About Parents As Partners In The Educational Process
Anna Bąk-Średnicka pp. 11 - 19 Abstract As stated by Joyce L. Epstein (2011: 4) school and family partnerships framework is “a better approach” to the involvement of all subjects of the pedagogical process, i.e. pupils, parents and teachers than its two extreme options, i.e. “waiting for involvement or dictating it.” The fact that school-family partnerships play a crucial role in children’s wellbeing is well documented. Despite the unquestionable fact, though, there is a field of study centered around the dichotomy between the beliefs about the importance of building parent-teacher collaboration declared by teacher educators and novice teachers’ unwillingness to collaborate with parents. In the paper the author refers to her previous study devoted to Preservice teachers’ attitudes related to family involvement in light of their school placement experience (2017). In the small scale (pilot) study it was proved that direct contact with parents during school placements of Type 2 – Communication of Epstein’s six types of parental involvement, enhances ex-trainee teachers’ understanding of the importance of parental involvement in supervising learning activities at home (i.e. Type 4 of Epstein’s six types of parental involvement). The current paper further elaborates on the topic and presents results of a study conducted on a larger group of preservice elementary teachers of English and Polish with an attempt to ascertain that above findings. It appears that direct contact with parents during school placements of Type 2 – Communication and Type 3 – Volunteering correlates with trainees’ high opinions about four types of parental involvements, i.e. Type 2 – Communicating, Type 6 – Collaborating with the Community, Type 7 – Parents observing lessons, and Type 8 – Home visits by teachers. Keywords: Preservice foreign language teachers, school placements, school-family partnership. | |
Original Articles Management of Academic Staff’s Health in Poland to Support Personal, Organisational and Social Development
Bożena Freund pp. 20 - 26 Abstract Academic staff employed at universities have teaching, academic and organisational obligations, while expectations set for them exceed the norm adopted in the society. They are expected to conduct innovative research, publish ground-breaking discoveries, establish cooperation with leading scientific centres, obtain international grants, speak at conferences, conduct interesting classes for students and become involved in organisational activities at the university. In addition, such staff should have excellent manners and an impeccable ethical approach. The expectations are endless and their working hours are flexible. In this situation it is very difficult to ensure a good life-work balance, which is why it is necessary to implement centralised solutions as well as local actions at individual educational facilities in order to support the management of academic staff’s health, as healthy employees have better conditions for personal development, contribute to the development of the university as an organisation and to social development by shaping subsequent generations of students. Therefore, the aim of this article is to present a health management system for academic staff from Polish higher education institutions to facilitate their own development as well as the development of the university and the society. To that end, desk research was performed by examining official national documents to search for systemic solutions aimed at maintaining good health of academic staff, and by browsing the websites of 10 best universities in Poland to find examples of lectures, workshops and initiatives dedicated to health and work-life balance of academic staff. The results of the research with conclusions and most of all recommendations may be useful to the management of higher education institutions, academic staff and all other parties interested in health and work-life balance. Keywords: Academic teachers, healthcare management, health education, professional development, work-life balance. | |
Original Articles The New Age Children Consuming By Media
E. Gülbuğ Erol & Necati Cerrahoglu pp. 27 - 34 Abstract Today the advertising industry is well ahead of the point when it started a hundred years ago. Developments in mass media have an invaluable role in advertising today. Along with the developments, television has become the first among the advertising media. The development of television also provided economic growth in the advertising industry. Today, internet advertising is constantly being renewed with the innovations brought by the technology. Trade on the Internet is more intense than competition in the traditional trading environment. Internet offers more options and opportunities for the individuals. The advertising industry is primarily focused on television, which is one of the most widespread media type, and then on social media, and with the help of visual and auditory elements, audiences, especially children, are influenced by the product or service being advertised. In the future, the children have an important role in the target audience. With the social media starting to transform everyday life, children have become one of the most important and largest mass of capitalist consumption society. At this point, while the mother and children, who mostly do shopping, are moving towards becoming a new consumer with a focus on consumption, the new media is also emerging as an important tool. Increasingly advertising in digital age means that advertising shaping the consumption habits of children is inevitably affecting children's consumption. The level of consumption of advertising leads to psycho-social influences, the way in which advertisements determine attitudes and habits, and the impact of advertisements on children's eating habits are the main research areas of this work. In the economies of communities, children have been instrumental in creating high advertising spending since they can choose to buy. As a result of studies on Media Literacy, a focus group consisting of 7 middle school teachers was determined by considering an issue that leapt into new media literacy and an in-depth interview technique was applied to the topic. In this survey, in which an in-depth interview was conducted to determine the effects of advertisements on children and the social outcome of advertisements, 10 questions were interviewed with 7 middle school teachers and 10 semi- obtained findings were obtained by coding in specific categories with descriptive analysis technique. A state school in Malatya was preferred. The fact that state school students are from families with a certain level of income and that their economic powers are relatively general. Keywords: Media, Comsumption, Children, Media Literacy. | |
Original Articles Yüksekliği Ayarlanabilir Tabanlığın Düztabanlık Tedavisine Etkisi
Mehmet Fatih Korkmaz - Mahmut Açak & Serkan Düz pp. 35 - 39 Abstract Düztabanlık; ayağın iç arkının yüksekliğinin azalması veya tamamıyla çökmesi sonucu oluşan deformite olarak tanımlanmıştır. Düztabanlığın görülme sıklığı kaynaklarda %7-22 dir. Düztaban olan bireylerinin pasif bir yaşam tarzının olması beraberinde kardiyovasküler hastalıklar, obezite, şeker vb. gibi sağlık problemlerini de tetiklemededir. Düztaban olan bireyler için önerilen temel uygulamaların başında tabanlık kullanımı gelmektedir. Bu tabanlıklar ilk üretildiği tarihten günümüze kadar olan 64 yıldır çok az bir değişikliğe gidilmiştir. Bu tabanlıklar standart yükseklik ve ark oluşumu tüm insanları ortak bir ayak yapısına sahip gibi algılanmıştır. Bu çalışma düztabanlık tedavisinde kullanılan tabanlıkların yükseltisi, esnekliği, uzunluğu ve işlevlerinin yeniden dizayn edilerek düztaban olan bireylerin yaşam kalitesinin artırılması amaçlanmıştır. Tasarladığımız tabanlık aşil tendonu yere 90 derece gelinceye kadar yükseltme imkânı sağlamaktadır. Ön çalışmada, tüm düztaban olan bireylerin ark yükseklikleri farklı farklı tespit edilmiştir. Bu nedenle tasarlanan tabanlık her bir birey için ayrı ayrı ayarlanma yapılacaktır. Bu çalışmaya power analiz sonucunda 17 erkek-17 bayan düztabanlı yetişkin bu çalışmaya katılacaktır. Çalışmaya katılan bireylerin ayak şekilleri ve baskı yüzeyleri tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın başında ve sonunda fiziksel uygunluk düzeyi, yaşam kalitesi, fiziksel testler ile sosyal ağrı ölçeği değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; deneklerin ayak ark şekillerinde, fiziksel uygunluk düzeyinde, yaşam kalitesinde, fiziksel testlerde (Dikey sıçrama, kısa mesafe koşu ve Cooper testinde) ve sosyal ağrı ölçeği skorlarında olumlu sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Keywords: Düztabanlık, Yüksekliği Ayarlanabilir Tabanlık, Fiziksel Uygunluk Düzeyi, Yaşam Kalitesi, Düztabanlık Tedavisi. | |
Original Articles Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu 2017 -2018 Süper Ligi İlk ve Son Üç Takimin Analizi
Mahmut Açak - Kemal Kurak - Zeki Çoşkuner - Hasan Abanoz & Serkan Düz pp. 40 - 45 Abstract Bu çalışma; 2017 -2018, 18 takımın yer aldığı Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Süper liginde mücadele eden takımların sayısal değerler açısından analizi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla ılnstat analiz programı tarafından yapılan Türkiye Süper Lig 2017-2018 özet analizinden faydalanılmıştır. Yapılan analizlerde en çok öne çıkan değerleri şu şekilde özetleyebiliriz. İlk üç takımın göl öncesi topa sahip olma oranı 29,2 saniye iken son üç takımın ortalaması 10,7 saniyedir. İlk üç takımın göl öncesi pas sayısı ortalaması 9,4 son üç takımın 3,2 dir. Atılan gollerin analizine bakıldığında ilk üç takımın attığı gollerin % 67,3’ü yerleşik hücumda %32,7’si kontra ataktandır. Son üç takımın ise attığı gollerin % 59,3’ü yerleşik hücumda %40,7’si kontra ataktandır. Takımların oyuncu bazında incelendiğinde; Hücumda pas golü, asist, asist ve gol, golle biten hücumda yer alma gibi kriterlerde ilk üç takım sporcuları ilk sıraları alırken son üç takımın sporcuları ilk 20 sporcu içerisinde bulunmamaktadır. Buna karşın gollük hataları yapan sporcuların ilk 10 içerisinde son üç takımın sporcuları bulunmaktadır. Pas, kilit pas, orta, ikili mücadeleler defansta, ikili mücadeleler hücumda değerlendirmelerde de ilk üç takım sporcular başarılı olduğu görülmektedir. Bireysel oyuncu bazında analiz edildiğinde ligin en başarılı ilk üç takımın kaleciler ilk 10, sol bekler, sağ bekler, stoperler, ön libero ve forvetler ilk 20 içerisinde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak sayısal statiklerde göstermiştir ki ilk üç ve son üç takımın sıralamadaki yerinin tesadüfi olmadığıdır. Keywords: Futbol, TFF Süper Ligi, Futbol Analizi. | |
Original Articles Stadyumlardaki Güvenlik Önlemlerine İlişkin Taraftar Algılarının İncelenmesi
Ali Serdar Yücel - İsa Çiftçi - Özgür Karataş - Çetin Tan & Emine Öztürk Karataş pp. 46 - 51 Abstract Bu çalışmanın amacı stadyumlardaki güvenlik önlemlerine ilişkin taraftar algılarının katılımcıların bazı demografik özelliklerine göre incelenmesidir. Çalışma betimsel tarama modeli niteliğindedir. Çalışmada Taştan ve Ataman Yancı (2016) tarafından geliştirilmiş ve 4 alt boyutu olan (sırasıyla “Alınan güvenlik tedbirlerinin yeterliliği algısı”, “Çıkan şiddet olaylarının güvenlik güçleri tarafından engellenebilme algısı”, “Stadyumlarda güvenlik sistemlerinin kullanılma algısı”, “Stadyumlara girişlerde kontrollerin yapılma algısı”) bir ölçek formu kullanılmıştır. Ölçek formu Elazığspor taraftar gruplarına (Efsaneler, Abluka ve Milliyetçi Elazığsporlular) basit tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilmiş 290 üyeye uygulanarak elde edilen veriler analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin analiz edilmesinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, ikili karşılaştırmalarda t-testi, ikiden fazla grup karşılaştırmalarında ise ANOVA testi uygulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak katılımcılar tarafından stadyumlarda özel ve kamu güvenlik birimleri tarafından alınan saha içi ve dışı güvenlik önlemlerinin olumlu algılandığı, bununla beraber maça gitmeme nedeni olabildiği tespit edilmiş, ayrıca katılımcıların stadyum güvenliğine ilişkin algılarına yönelik olarak cinsiyet ve yaş değişkenine göre anlamlı farklılık olmadığı, eğitim durumu değişkenine göre anlamlı farklılık olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Keywords: Stadyum, Güvenlik, Taraftar, Elazığspor. | |
Original Articles Racism Examples in 2018 World Cup Towards Turkish Origin Football Players
Necati Cerrahoğlu pp. 52 - 58 Abstract FIFA has been organizing a series of “Anti-Racist” activities all over the world since the 2002. FIFA brought some regulations against the ever rising racist actions for the last 25 years by primarily working with EU. Cooperation’s among Non-governmental organizations was developed and a joint declaration with FARE was announced in 2003 and 2006. In 2006, UEFA and FARE announced and enforced the Ten Point Plan. EU, published its’ White Paper on Sport in 2007. The report includes new path of sport as well as consisting measures and advices against racism. Prior to the 2018 World Cup, Russia took measures against racism with the lead of Robert Ustian and by working in cooperation with UEFA and FARE. It was effective on Russian football fans’ hospitality. The study investigates the social reflections of racism on national and international media in 2018 World Football Cup. The study covers media broadcast durations of May-July 2018. The racist discourses and behaviors towards the Turkish origin football players Jimmy Durmaz from Sweden, Mesut Özil and İlkay Gündoğan from Germany was studies. In terms of literature, the avowedly racist statements and interviews aiming the Turkish origin football players made by not only from the fans from those countries but also from politicians, federation managers and media interpreters was evaluated as surprising. The opposite attitude of Sweden in ministry level was noted meanwhile no institutional oppose from Germany was observed. The mistake of disbanding the commission of fighting against racism by means of “completing its’ mission” is obvious in the light of current racist events. The racism shown in 2018 Russia World Football Cup is the tangible indicator of racism all over the world. Inefficiency of the institutional precautions is clear and the mandatory need for new functional measures and sanctions starting from education curriculums is explicit. Keywords: Russia, World Cup, Racism, Media, Football Fans. |