Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2018, Vol. 9(5) 52-58
pp. 52 - 58
Publish Date: December 30, 2018 | Single/Total View: 79/846 | Single/Total Download: 103/1.648
FIFA has been organizing a series of 'Anti-Racist' activities all over the world since the 2002. FIFA brought some regulations against the ever rising racist actions for the last 25 years by primarily working with EU. Cooperation's among Non-governmental organizations was developed and a joint declaration with FARE was announced in 2003 and 2006. In 2006, UEFA and FARE announced and enforced the Ten Point Plan. EU, published its' White Paper on Sport in 2007. The report includes new path of sport as well as consisting measures and advices against racism. Prior to the 2018 World Cup, Russia took measures against racism with the lead of Robert Ustian and by working in cooperation with UEFA and FARE. It was effective on Russian football fans' hospitality. The study investigates the social reflections of racism on national and international media in 2018 World Football Cup. The study covers media broadcast durations of May-July 2018. The racist discourses and behaviors towards the Turkish origin football players Jimmy Durmaz from Sweden, Mesut Özil and İlkay Gündoğan from Germany was studies. In terms of literature, the avowedly racist statements and interviews aiming the Turkish origin football players made by not only from the fans from those countries but also from politicians, federation managers and media interpreters was evaluated as surprising. The opposite attitude of Sweden in ministry level was noted meanwhile no institutional oppose from Germany was observed. The mistake of disbanding the commission of fighting against racism by means of 'completing its' mission' is obvious in the light of current racist events. The racism shown in 2018 Russia World Football Cup is the tangible indicator of racism all over the world. Inefficiency of the institutional precautions is clear and the mandatory need for new functional measures and sanctions starting from education curriculums is explicit.
Keywords: Russia, World Cup, Racism, Media, Football Fans.
APA 7th edition
Cerrahoglu, N. (2018). Racism Examples in 2018 World Cup Towards Turkish Origin Football Players. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 9(5), 52-58.
Cerrahoglu, N. (2018). Racism Examples in 2018 World Cup Towards Turkish Origin Football Players. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 9(5), pp. 52-58.
Chicago 16th edition
Cerrahoglu, Necati (2018). "Racism Examples in 2018 World Cup Towards Turkish Origin Football Players". International Journal of Educational Researchers 9 (5):52-58.
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