Original Articles Exploring Student’s Perceptions of Computer based Testing for University Entrance Examination By Using Technology Acceptance Model: Case Study State University of Malang, Indonesia
Saida Ulfa pp. 1 - 8 Abstract The computer based Testing (CBT) implementation in higher education has been increasing recently. State University of malang, Indonesia initiated to conduct CBT in 2015 for University Entrance Examination. Technology acceptance model (TAM) was used to explore the students’ perception in using CBT. The objective of this research was to examine the relationship between Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, and Attitude towards Behavioral Intention in using Computer based Testing for University Entrance Examination in State University of Malang, Indonesia. The research findings had proven the previous studies’ theory that perceived ease of use has a positively influences on perceived usefulness, while both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness have the direct effects on attitude toward usage. Furthermore, attitude affects to behavioral intention. Keywords: computer based testing, technology acceptance model | |
Original Articles The Relationship between Students’ Residence Type and Academic Achievement
Sevinç Yerli Usul pp. 9 - 14 Abstract As in many other countries, university education in Turkey has a special effect on students’ lives. While students generally live with their families for high school education, most of them alter their residence and also living conditions when they start university education. Research studies show that, there is a close relationship between housing conditions and university students’ performance. (Arauja and Murray 2010, Astin: 1973, Clarkson: 2006) Therefore, housing options may have different effects on students’ academic achievement. The present study was an attempt to explore the extent of this relationship. In order to collect data, two different instruments were used. The first instrument was the adopted form of a survey developed by Helfrich in 2011. In addition to this, students’ final exam results, which were accepted as the determiner of academic achievement, were also used as another source of data. The data were analyzed by using independent samples t-test, and the resuts revealed that there was not a significant difference between the groups in terms of achievement. That’s to say, if the conditions of the residence were arranged well, it did not matter for the students whether it was a dormitory, a flat or any other kind of residence. Keywords: residence type, prep-students, academic achievement, staying at dormitory, | |
Original Articles A Study of Determining Teacher Candidates’ Violence Perception
Havise Çakmak Güleç & Bülent Güven pp. 15 - 26 Abstract Violence defined as situation or behaviors like toughness, being sternandrude behaviour, supressing people defined as theuse of bruteforce, intimating or leaving people emotionally helpless is a concept also defined as a social problem which can be analyzed with its different kinds and has been described several times in different periods. Violenceis seen more frequently in recenty ears that its reasons, kinds and the results of precautions are constantly examined and problem solving researche shave lead to expectations. This study aims to determine Teacher can did ate’s violence perception of University students that are going to work in pre-schoolor primary schools and to find out whether there are any differences between their perception features among different variances. As a paradigm, teacher can did ates who are studying at the departments of pre-school and primary school teaching in the Faculty of Teaching. Indetermining the paradigm in this way, that the age groups that the teacher can did ates will serve shows the features of a critical period especially in personality development and earning positive affective qualities has become a starting point for researchers. In the study performed in descriptive features, the answers the participant teacher can didates gave to the violence perception determining scale developed by Güven and Güleç (2010) have been examined through non-parametical statistical calculation techniques; in the findings achieved as a result of the examining, in the answers the participants gave, it has been assigned that the education level of the parents does not differ with regards to the settlement they reside in, and that it may differonly a little in some factors from the point of the department they studied, the education level of the father, the time of the education, the level of class in which they studied and gender parameters. Depending on the findings, comment, discussionand conclusion parts are addressed in the fulltext. Keywords: Violence, Teacher candidate, Preschool, Primary School Teacher | |
Original Articles Interpolation of Stock market Data with Fuzzy Conception Using Weka Tool
Priti Choudhary & Vinod Rampure pp. 27 - 33 Abstract Progressing growth of IT has brought rapid technological advancement. Technologies are getting advance at an exponential rate and hence massive amount of data is emerging at very enormous rate in different sector. So there are lots of baselines for researcher to roadmap their strategy for technological improvement. Huge amount of data i.e. terabytes of data are carried over computer networks to and from organization working in the field of business, engineering and science. Many approaches based on mathematical model were suggested for dredging association rule but they were complex for users. Our work contemplated an algorithm for interpolating Stock Market data using fuzzy data dredging through which fuzzy association rule can be induced for Stock series. Our work proposes the algorithm in which each fuzzy item has its own predefined minimum support count. Time series data can be any sequence data which has some trend or pattern in it. It may be either stock market data, climatic observed data, data observed from medical equipments. Our work also measures the data dispersion in time series data i.e. stock market data used here. It shows the deviation of the stock prices from the mean of stock price data points taken over a period of time which help the investors to decide whether to buy or sell their shares or products. Risk associated with particular share can also be predicted by understanding the obtained curve in the experiment. We have implemented the contemplated work in WEKA tool to get more accurate and efficient result along with visualization. Basically we are predicting how data are interpreted and predicted with accuracy in stock market using this effective tool. Keywords: WEKA, fuzzy association rule |