Original Articles Implementation of the Contextual Approach to Improve Care Attitudes of Fourth Grade Students of Elementary School
Diyah Retno Wulansari Diyah, Nanik Setyowati Nanik & Turhan Yani Turhan pp. 1 - 7 Abstract This study aims to determine the activities of teachers, student activities, and increase the caring attitude of fourth grade students by applying a contextual approach. This type of research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR). The study was conducted in 3 cycles, by carrying out several stages, namely the planning, implementation and observation stages, as well as the reflection stage. The results showed an increase from cycle I to cycle III. For teacher activities in the first cycle, the percentage showed 67.85%, in the second cycle it increased to 82.14% and the third cycle increased to 96.42%. The activity of students in the first cycle percentage value of 65%. And in cycle II, student activity increased to 80%, while in cycle III student activity again increased to 90%. While the increase in student care attitude can be seen from the results of student questionnaires from 65% in the first cycle to 78.25% in the second cycle and increased to 87.5%. The research subjects were fourth grade students of Bustanul Ulum Islamic Elementary School. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and attitude questionnaires filled by students. Keywords: Approach, contextual, caring attitude | |
Original Articles The Influence of the Problem-Based Learning Model Against on the Activity and Critical Thinking Skill Students of Grade V Elementary School
Dessy Cahayaning Margi Utami, Maria Veronika Roesminingsih & Ari Wahyudi pp. 8 - 23 Abstract The study aims to increase the activity and critical thinking skills of class V students through for the application of the Problem Based Learning model. The research approach used is quantitative with pre-experimental design type, and design research using Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The research location in Pajaran 01 Elementary School and Pajaran 05 Elementary School, Saradan District, Madiun Regency. The subject in this study was all students of class V Elementary School Pajaran 01 and Pajaran Elementary School 05 district of Madiun Semester II year lesson 2018/2019 with the number of students each class of 25 students. The research subject is taken from two different schools because it is not a parallel class but has the same qualifications. Data collection techniques using observation and test. Data collection instruments using observation sheets of student activity and test sheets of critical thinking skills. Data is analyzed through the validity test, reliability test, normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test (t-test). The results showed that students ' activities showed that the value of the experimental class Tcount 4,762 > from the control class of Tcount 3,456, while the students' critical thinking skills there is a significant influence indicated by Experimental class Tcount 12,643 > of the control class results Tcount 10,342 (df 23) and the value sig. (2-failed) 0.000 < 0.005. So, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Then it can be concluded that the influence of the application of the Problem Based Learning model of activity and skills of critical thinking students of grade V in Elementary School Pajaran 01 Saradan Madiun. Keywords: Problem Based Learning Model, Activity, Critical Thinking Skills | |
Original Articles Development of Cartoon Concept Based Student Worksheet With Structured Inquiry Approach to Train Science Process Skills
Nurul Hidayati Nurul pp. 24 - 34 Abstract The aims of this study are (1) to produce cartoon concept based student worksheet is valid, practical, and effective to train science process skills, (2) describe the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of cartoon concept based student worksheet to train process skills science. This research used development research with three stages, namely defining, designing, and developing. The results of expert validation state that the student worksheet is ready for use. Furthermore, it was tested on the fifth-grade students in Kedungdoro elementary school Surabaya with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The result of this research shows that (1) the cartoon concept based student worksheet is valid, because the readability assessment shows that the average number of words that can be completed by students is 73.13 from 81 words or 90.29%, it indicates that the level of readability of student worksheet is high and easy to understand by students in learning. besides that the activities of students showed positive results, namely observing 13.37%; make a hypothesis 14.17%; experiment 13.06%; measure 14.36%; classify 12.20%; interfere with 13.85%, communicate 13.52%; and conclude 13.75%. (2) The cartoon concept based student worksheet can make the student’s science process skills increase with the gain score is 0.80 Keywords: Student Worksheet, Cartoon Concept, Structured Inquiry Approach, Science Process Skills | |
Original Articles EFL Textbooks at the University Level in KSA: An Investigation of Culture Presentation in Interactions/Mosaic Middle East Gold Edition
Hussein Ali Habtoor pp. 35 - 47 Abstract This paper reports a study conducted to evaluate the cultural content of illustrations and texts incorporated in Interactions/ Mosaic Middle East Gold Edition series of teaching English to Saudi EFL learners from an instructor perspective at Najran University (NU). Fifty-eight teachers took part in filling up a questionnaire developed for this purpose. Seven of them are Native Speakers of English (NSE)and fifty-one are Non-Native Speakers of English (NNSE), while thirty-eight of them are male and twenty are female teachers. These teachers are working at the English major programme in the Department of English at the College of Arts and Education and the Preparatory Year Programme (PYP) of NU. Measures like percentages, frequencies, means, standard deviations and Mann-Whitney U test are utilised to achieve the statistical analysis of the survey. The results revealed that there is a balanced representation of target, source and intercultural elements of culture has been achieved in the design of the content of the textbooks series reflected in the illustrations and texts as well. This supports the claim of the appropriateness of the textbooks to the learners' needs, communicative competence and cultural background in this particular teaching/learning situation. Keywords: Interactions/Mosaic, Saudi EFL Learners, Target Culture, Source Culture | |
Original Articles Development of Ipa Student Activities Sheets (Lks) Based on Process Skills to Increase Learning Outcomes in Electrical Materials in Fifth Grade of Elementary School
Pipit Hery Kurniawan Abdulloh Pipit Hery Kurniawan Abdulloh & Waspodo Tjipto Subroto Waspodo pp. 48 - 56 Abstract This study aims to determine the feasibility of worksheets developed based on aspects of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The research method is the development of 4-D. It consists of four stages, namely defining, designing, developing, and distributing. This research arrived at the development stage only. The results showed that the LKS based on process skills was deemed feasible from the aspects of validity, practicality, and effectiveness in limited trials. The validity of LKS is 88% with a very decent interpretation. The practicality of the process skills activity obtained an implementation of 84.72% with a very decent interpretation. The effectiveness of student learning outcomes obtained the completeness of the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains each by 89.29%; 85.71%, and 91.11%. The sensitivity index obtained a value of 0.53 with effective interpretation, and the significance test obtained results (t) = 8.7, so the difference in learning using LKS based on process skills was very significant. Keywords: Student Activity Sheets (LKS), Process Skills, Learning Outcomes |