Original Articles A Research on the Effect of Career and Job Getting Perception on Learning Motivation and Career Development Efforts
Metin Atak, İlhan Atik & İbrahim Ceylan pp. 1 - 16 Abstract Learning motivation can be defined as learner’s perception of learning activities for meaningful and valuable, an effort for benefiting from them for himself. Studies executed on learning motivation show that a highly motivated student carries on his learning activities on account of pleasure he takes in a learning activity and learning facilities or the sense of achievement inspired. On the one hand, as for a lowly motivated student, he does his work for the sake of an award or avoidance of possible punishments. This situation has an impact on the success of teaching activity to a great extent. There are many factors that affect learning motivation which has such importance on teaching. Through removing the obstacles, educators and training directors strive for creating learning environment where learning motivation is considerably high. It has been revealed in many studies that personnel’s career expectations and their wish for having permanent positions contribute to their performing better in the organization, having high organizational commitment and tendency for not leaving their jobs. Accordingly, in the process of learning towards a job, the perception of both having had the occupation and career’s meeting the expectations related with the job draw attention as a variable influencing candidates’ learing motivation. The problem of this study is to determine the impact of students’ job getting and career perceptions on learning motivation and career development efforts. In this study, by confirming aeronautics undergraduates’ getting a job and their career perception together with the levels of their career development efforts and learning motivation perceptions, the correlation between them is examined. Accordng to study findings, it is concluded that career perception influence positively not only learning motivation but also career development effort, whereas job getting perception affects learning motivation positively, it has no effect on career development effort. Keywords: Learning motivation, job getting perception, career perception, career development effort | |
Original Articles An Outlook on Immigrant Literature in Terms of Culture Education
Hikmet Asutay pp. 17 - 23 Abstract In this study, the utility of Turkish-German Immigrants Literature in foreign language and specifically literature and culture-oriented course such as literature, country-science, text analysis and so on in education or philology department related with German will be analyzed. The Turkish-German Immigrant Literature which contains spesific fifty-year period to Germany and has a different meaning as concern closely our people who have been there since three generations, is considered important in terms of recent German literature and is accepted as been part of German literature. Therefore, this subject emerges inevitably in German literature, as well as in courses related with German country-science or Culture-science as a course Material even it can be taught as a separate course. Based on this situation, it will be discussed that the evaluation of Turkish-German immigrants literature in terms of education in the context of aforesaid department of university, opinions about strategy in terms of education program will be evaluated, Education of Turkish-German Immigrants Literature will be tried to be expressed. In this context by making references to the artist of Immigrant Literature, the principal course Schedule-recommendations will be evaluated in terms of literature and education of literature, in concept of the work of related artist. During the study it will be tried to take advantage of the recent research in this area and the data of Turkish-German literature. Keywords: Immigrants Literature, Turkish-German Literature, literature-Course, literature education. | |
Original Articles Multiple Intelligence and Work Performance of College Teachers
Edwin A. Estrella pp. 24 - 32 Abstract The researcher used a cross-sectional descriptive study design. This study attempted to establish the perceived association between the levels of the dominant and recessive multiple intelligences and job performance of college teachers. To be able to establish the association between the variables, the researcher used a standardized test, the Walter McKenzie (2014) Multiple Intelligences Inventory, to gauge multiple intelligences. Permission was sought from the office of the administrator of the university campus to allow the researcher access to the scores of the respondents in their respective self, student, peer and superior evaluations. Using the Fisher’s exact test, the results were analyzed by a statistician to see the association between the variables. It was established in this study that the dominant intelligence among the respondents is intrapersonal intelligence. On the other hand, the recessive intelligence among the respondents is visual spatial intelligence. Furthermore, it was established that majority of the respondents display an outstanding job performance. However, there exists no significant association between the dominant intelligence of the respondents with their job performance. The researcher recommends that further studies ought to be pursued using the same model but a different set of respondents. The researcher feels that increasing the sample size will increase the statistical efficiency of the study. A non-parametric correlation may also be conducted considering the size of the presently sampled population. Keywords: Multiple intelligence, work performance and college teachers. | |
Original Articles The UEFA Concept of Fighting Against Racism Results of Training Activities and A Comparison to Turkey
Necati Cerrahoğlu pp. 33 - 45 Abstract Football is meaningful with the contribution of fans and their enthusiasm. The enthusiasm of fans has got relative definitions. Some delirious acts of fans who are indispensable part of football, take precedence over football and these acts has reached a dimension threatening local government and public authorities. After 1990 Hate Crimes are added to Hooliganism, Violence and Vandalism which are defined as delirious act in sports. Due to the increasing racism threat, UEFA has decided to implement an efficient act plan in 2002. The developed Ten Point Plan has included advices and examples of application to Sport Clubs and Fan Groups. Although the Ten Point Plan is too detailed, in this research only programs which were practiced on fan groups, kids and youngsters at school age and the results of these programs are included. As the proposed programs which were offered to fans and NGOs, has become successful, it is seen that the greater success has been achieved in the programs and campaigns targeted kids and youngsters at school age. It is found out that there is a great difficulty to reach data to compare the research results in Turkey. In the level of Sport clubs no information could be collected on the other hand some limited information about limited activities of Fans and NGOs. Keywords: Education, Football, 10-Point Plan of Action, Children and Youth, NGO’s |