Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2018, Vol. 9(5) 27-34

The New Age Children Consuming By Media

E. Gülbuğ Erol & Necati Cerrahoglu

pp. 27 - 34

Publish Date: December 30, 2018  |   Single/Total View: 107/804   |   Single/Total Download: 137/1.562


Today the advertising industry is well ahead of the point when it started a hundred years ago. Developments in mass media have an invaluable role in advertising today. Along with the developments, television has become the first among the advertising media. The development of television also provided economic growth in the advertising industry. Today, internet advertising is constantly being renewed with the innovations brought by the technology. Trade on the Internet is more intense than competition in the traditional trading environment. Internet offers more options and opportunities for the individuals. The advertising industry is primarily focused on television, which is one of the most widespread media type, and then on social media, and with the help of visual and auditory elements, audiences, especially children, are influenced by the product or service being advertised. In the future, the children have an important role in the target audience. With the social media starting to transform everyday life, children have become one of the most important and largest mass of capitalist consumption society. At this point, while the mother and children, who mostly do shopping, are moving towards becoming a new consumer with a focus on consumption, the new media is also emerging as an important tool. Increasingly advertising in digital age means that advertising shaping the consumption habits of children is inevitably affecting children's consumption. The level of consumption of advertising leads to psycho-social influences, the way in which advertisements determine attitudes and habits, and the impact of advertisements on children's eating habits are the main research areas of this work. In the economies of communities, children have been instrumental in creating high advertising spending since they can choose to buy. As a result of studies on Media Literacy, a focus group consisting of 7 middle school teachers was determined by considering an issue that leapt into new media literacy and an in-depth interview technique was applied to the topic. In this survey, in which an in-depth interview was conducted to determine the effects of advertisements on children and the social outcome of advertisements, 10 questions were interviewed with 7 middle school teachers and 10 semi- obtained findings were obtained by coding in specific categories with descriptive analysis technique. A state school in Malatya was preferred. The fact that state school students are from families with a certain level of income and that their economic powers are relatively general.

Keywords: Media, Comsumption, Children, Media Literacy.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Erol, E.G., & Cerrahoglu, N. (2018). The New Age Children Consuming By Media. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 9(5), 27-34.

Erol, E. and Cerrahoglu, N. (2018). The New Age Children Consuming By Media. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 9(5), pp. 27-34.

Chicago 16th edition
Erol, E. Gulbug and Necati Cerrahoglu (2018). "The New Age Children Consuming By Media". International Journal of Educational Researchers 9 (5):27-34.

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