Original Articles Prevalence, Forms, Contributing Factors, and Consequences of Academic Cheating among Public Second Cycle Primary School Students: In Mersa City Administration, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Dessale Worku, Meseret Dejenie & Koye Getahun pp. 1 - 13 Abstract This study examined the prevalence, forms, contributing factors, and perceived consequence of academic cheating among students. Assessing the status, identifying the forms,and contributing factors, examining the consequences and inspecting the practice across socio-demographic variable were the objectives. Data were collected from students, teachers, supervisors, educational experts, PTA, principal and vice Principals. A self made questionnaire consisting of 45 items was administered for selected students with stratified random sampling. Mainly mean rank order, one and independent sample t-tests and Pearson correlation coefficient were used for data analysis. The finding of the study revealed that cheating is highly prevalent in second cycle primary schools. The most frequently used forms of cheating were using crib note, looking to a nearby another’s answer sheet and copy it , doing the exam together and using exercise book or text materials during the exam. The major contributing factors of academic cheating were fear of failure and to get good result and fear of consequence of failure. The result also indicated that perceived consequence of academic cheating was high in second cycle primary schools. Regarding with socio-demographic variables, the result revealed that no statistically significance difference between male and female students in practice of cheating, but between grade level and schools. The finding also indicated that age and prevalence of academic cheating has statistically significant negative relationships. It was concluded that the problem is serious and multifaceted. Urgent and everlasting intervention is needed to be taken by the concerned body to tackle the problem. Keywords: Prevalence, Forms, Contributing Factors, Perceived Consequence, Academic Cheating. | |
Original Articles The Development Of Hots-Based Student Worksheet On Economics Lesson
Al Findah Nur Lailiyah & Riza Yonisa Kurniawan pp. 14 - 22 Abstract This study developed a Participant Student Worksheet on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in class XI high school economic subjects. The purpose of this study is to find out the feasibility of the student worksheet, describe the responses of students and describe the high-level thinking skills of students. This type of research is Research and Development (R & D) using a 4D model which includes the stages of defining, design, develop and disseminate. In this study carried out until the end of the dissemination (disseminate). The results of this study consisted of 1) LKPD developed with feasibility assessments from material experts (content and presentation) of 89% categorized as "very feasible", 74% linguists categorized as "feasible" and graphic experts at 90% categorized as "very feasible" " Based on these data, the HOTS student worksheet developed was considered valid. 2) This student worksheet was piloted to 20 students of class XI IPS at SMA Wijaya Putra Surabaya from students' response questionnaires obtained an average of 88% with very good criteria 3) High-level thinking skills of SMA Wijaya Putra Surabaya students obtained an average score amounting to 66.8 in the good category. Keywords: Student Worksheet, Higher Order Thinking Skills, HOTS | |
Original Articles The increases critical thinking skills through model problem based learning in fifth grade students elementary school
Dessy Cahayaning Margi Utami & Waspodo Tjipto Subroto Waspodo pp. 23 - 33 Abstract This study aims to improve critical thinking skills in elementary school fifth grade students through the model of Problem Based Learning. The research location is SDN Jepara I/90 Surabaya, the study population is students of fifth grade were 30 students. In this study using a Class Action Research (PTK) conducted by 2 cycles, with several stages of the planning phase, the implementation phase, the stage of observation and reflection stages. Data collection techniques were used that test in the form of a written test and non-test in the form of observation, that observation the activities of teachers and students' activity. The results showed that there was an increase from the first cycle to the second cycle. For the activity of teachers in the first cycle, shows the percentage of the 70% rate, and the second cycle percentage increased by 90%. Activity percentage of students in the first cycle the value of 75%, while in the second cycle of student activity increased by 95%. Then increase students' critical thinking skills can be seen from the results of evaluation of students by 70.5% in the first cycle to 89.62% in the second cycle. Keywords: Critical Thinking Skills, Model, Problem Based Learning | |
Original Articles The implementation of educational concept attainment using picture and its impact toward the student result learning at III grades in Pancasila and civic education subject (PPKn)
Fatoni Heru Rohman Fatoni Heru Rohman pp. 34 - 46 Abstract This research aims to analyze the impact of implementation of educational concept attainment using picture as media toward student result learning with compared with conventional learning.The experiment research designs are pretest, posttest and control group design. The technique of collecting data used observations, documentations, and tests. The data analysis technique is to determine the impacts of the model concept attainment using picture media with t-test assisted bysoftware SPSS 21.00 for windows.The analysis data result showed the experiment class which applied the model of concept attainment using picture media achieves higher percentage of learning implementation than a class which applied conventional learning is about93,3%: 83,9%. Posttestshowed the average of learning result at experiment class which higher than control class, with the average value about 85,00 for experiment class; 71,33 for control class. The result of t-test with the significance level is 00,05 which known value ofSig.2 tailedas big as 0,000<0,05 then it concluded that Ho was rejected dan Ha accepted. It means there was significant difference between the result learning of experiment class with control class at the posttest. So it can be summarized that there was an impacts in implementation of model learning concept attainment using picture towards students result learning. Keywords: concept attainment, student result study, picture media, Pancasila and civic education (PPKn) | |
Original Articles The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence Levels, Problem Solving Skills and Academic Achievements of Engineering Students
Atilla Ergin, Hakan Karatas & Esra Mutlu pp. 47 - 62 Abstract Emotional intelligence is the ability of people to understand the complex emotions they have in themselves and to analyse the emotional expressions of the people towards them. Problem-solving is a cognitive process for converting a particular situation into a resulting state when there is no clear solution method for the problem solver. University students can cope with their problems more easily if they are able to use their emotional intelligence to show rational and appropriate approaches. This is especially important for engineering students who are transitioning from education to business life. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence levels and problem-solving skills of engineering students in terms of gender, grade, department, university and academic achievement variables. The study group is comprised of university students enrolled in Istanbul Technical University and Yıldız Technical University Engineering Programs in 2018-2019. In the data analysis of this study, conducted in the relational survey model, ANOVA and T-test for normal distribution data, and Man Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests were used for data with non-normal distribution. Pearson correlation test was used to determine the relationship between variables. According to the findings, it was seen that there was a moderate uphill (negative) correlation between the emotional intelligence level and problem-solving skill of the engineering students and there was a weak uphill (positive) correlation between emotional intelligence and academic achievement. In addition, there was a weak uphill (negative) correlation between problem-solving skill and academic achievement of engineering students. The results show that the level of emotional intelligence and problem-solving skills of engineering students predict the academic achievement with a low rate. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence Level, Problem-Solving Skills, Academic Achievement, Engineering, University Students |