Volume 14 Issue 4 (December 2023)
Issue Information Issue Information

Haida Umiera Hashim

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijer.2023.604



Original Articles Effect of Self-Monitoring Skill Training on Learning Achievement of Students with Special Needs in Yobe State Special Education School Goniri

Musa Saleh, Alhaji Salele Mohammed & Kambar Waziri

pp. 1 - 13   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijer.2023.604.1


This study examined the effect of self-monitoring skill training on learning achievement of students with special needs in Yobe state special education school Goniri. The study has two objectives with corresponding two research hypotheses. The study employed the use of quasi-experimental research design. The population of the study consists of twenty five (25) students with special needs. The students received training on self-monitoring skill training and the findings revealed that there was significant effect of self-monitoring skill training on learning achievement of students with special needs and there was no significant gender difference in self-monitoring skill training of students with special needs in Yobe state special education school Goniri. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that school counsellors should encourage and trained students with special needs on the effective usage of self-monitoring skill training. This will make the students to adopt effective learning skills toward enhancing their learning achievement and government should endeavour to provide enabling environment for the students with special needs. This will help in enhancing the achievement motivation of the students and perpetually improve students learning achievement in the school.

Keywords: Self-Monitoring Skill, Learning Achievement, Special needs, Gender

Original Articles A Case Study on School Dropout in Secondary Education: Causes and Solutions According to the Views of Administrators and Teachers

Yasemin Sultan Uzunova & Şefika Melike Çağatay

pp. 14 - 24   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijer.2023.604.2


In this study, according to the views of teachers and administrators, the reasons why students drop out of school and the measures to be taken for these reasons were revealed. Based on the data obtained, the reasons for students' dropout are divided into three groups as follows: individual reasons, family-related reasons, and reasons arising from the education system and Ministry of National Education policies. This study was conducted as a qualitative research and semi-structured interview method was used by the researcher to collect the data. In addition, "maximum diversity" sampling, one of the purposeful sampling methods, was preferred in this study. This research was conducted with the participation of 20 administrators and teachers in Nilüfer district of Bursa province. The research was conducted in the 2022-2023 academic year and with this study, solutions were developed for the causes of the problem according to the opinions of administrators and teachers working in secondary education institutions on school dropout.Every step to be taken to find a solution to the secondary school dropout problem in secondary education institutions will be beneficial to solve the problem and that the decrease in dropout rates will contribute to a sustainable economy for our country and a generation that grows up physically and mentally healthy. 

Keywords: Educational administration, educational policies, leaving school, school dropout.

Original Articles The Effectiveness of Self-assessment in Promoting Growth Mindset in EFL Students

Amenah Almasraf

pp. 25 - 36   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijer.2023.604.3


While research on mindsets theory deals with internal psychological processes, self-assessment research focuses on external teaching strategies. This research study aimed to examine the impact of self-assessment strategies in developing a positive mindset in EFL classrooms. Language students hold different beliefs regarding language learning, but one crucial belief that contributes to their success is whether their language aptitude is fixed or malleable. Twenty-five students from the Faculty of Education, University of Abu-Isa, Zawiya participated in this study. At the beginning of the study, participants were given Mindsets Survey to examine if they have growth, or fixed mindsets based on their scores on the survey. After the pre-survey, participants exercised selfassessment rubrics and checklists for 3 weeks in their writing class and the same survey was given to determine if any changes have occurred in the participants' academic mindsets. The results showed that the regular use of self-assessment rubrics and checklists during writing classes helped students with fixed mindset to develop a growth mindset. These findings imply that most students perceive self-assessment as a useful strategy since they self-control their learning process which is in line with the growth mindset theory. 

Keywords: mindset theory, language mindsets, self-assessment, writing achievement

Original Articles Effective Teacher Characteristics in the Eyes of Pre-service EFL Teachers: Evidence from Turkish Higher Education Context

Merve Dombaycı & Gökhan Öztürk

pp. 37 - 50   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijer.2023.604.4


This study aimed to investigate the perspectives of pre-service EFL teachers on effective EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teacher characteristics and explore their opinions regarding effective teacher characteristics in the post-COVID period. Following this aim, 80 participants who were 3rd and 4th-grade prospective teachers at the English Language Teaching (ELT) department of a public university participated in the study. For data collection, a questionnaire and interview protocols were used. The quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, while a thematic analysis was done in order to explore the qualitative data. The findings from both analyses revealed that the participants considered being creative, effective communication with the students, using authentic activities and materials, being fluent, having sufficient content knowledge, and being good at classroom management as the most important and necessary characteristics of an effective EFL teacher. Considering the post-COVID pandemic period, the necessity of the EFL teachers’ ability to use the technological tools and platforms and the continuation of this use during the post-COVID period were found to be important. In line with these findings, the study offers several suggestions for EFL teacher education.

Keywords: Effective teacher characteristics, EFL teachers, pre-service teachers, teacher perspectives, language teaching.