Original Articles 21st Century Teaching Strategies and Students Preferences
Rael Christopher Plaza pp. 1 - 8 Abstract The integration of technology in education has significant impact in the teaching-learning process. This study determined the student’s learning in Social Studies subject using technology-based instructional tools such as PowerPoint Presentation and Computer Aided Instructional Material (CAIM). Three (3) classes from different secondary schools were the subjects of this study. Each class/group was taught separately, first by using PowerPoint Presentation and then CAIM. A pre-tests-post-tests experimental design was utilized in finding the results of the study. It revealed that there was an increase in the mean scores of the students in the two teaching strategies. Analyses showed that PowerPoint Presentation has higher students learning outcome than CAIM. Although, CAIM is the majority preference of the students but they perform better in the PowerPoint Presentation. The study concluded that there is a positive students’ learning outcome through the use of PowerPoint Presentation and CAIM; however these strategies should undergo systematic process for planning, designing and formative evaluation to assure excellent impact in teaching-learning process particularly in Social Studies subject. Keywords: Computer-Aided Instructional Material, Powerpoint Presentation, Computer Technology |