Volume 7 Issue 3 (December 2016)
Original Articles An Analysis of The Relationship Between Associate Vocational Technical Education and Employment Specific To Aircraft Technology Program

İlhan Atik

pp. 1 - 11


Associate programs centered upon vocational and technical education bear significant responsibility in the employment of young population. Associate programs intend to equip trainees with knowledge, skills and competence found in the fifth level of Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework. That the program goals and the expectations of labor market correspond to one another enables the graduates of these programs to be employed in the right sector. In recent years, our country has become a center in aviation sector. The growing employment opportunities that have been provided for flight crew and aircraft maintenance personnel have led higher education institutions to open up relevant programs. This study aims to discuss the problems the graduates of vocational technical education, which is carried out in associate level, face and the solutions to these problems. Through an analysis of the associate programs that provide training in the field of Aircraft Maintenance, the relevance of educational content and the goals of knowledge-skill-competence to market expectations will be evaluated.

Keywords: Employment, Vocational Education, Aircraft Maintenance

Original Articles Examining University Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English Using Different Variables

Hakan Karatas, Bulent Alci, Mehtap Bademcioglu & Atilla Ergin

pp. 12 - 20


This study aimed to understand if the students’ attitudes towards learning English show significant differences in terms of gender, language level, receiving English preparatory training, and the kind of high school they graduated from. The study was carried out in the descriptive survey model. The research group included 320 male (65.6 %) and 168 female (34.4 %) English preparatory students at Istanbul Technical University. The Attitudes towards English Scale was used as the data collection tool. Data were analysed using independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA. According to t-test and ANOVA results, it can be said the university students’ attitudes towards learning English are not affected by gender, receiving preparatory training, language level and high school differentiation. 

Keywords: attitude,foreign language,university students

Original Articles Comparison of Students in Vocational Health and Vocational College with Respect to Self-Esteem and Career Adaptability

Ali Eryılmaz & Ahmet Kara

pp. 21 - 31


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between self-esteem and career adaptability of vocational college students and vocational health college students. Total 125 male vocational college students took part in the study (their programs were mechatronics environment protect and control and mechanic). Total 123 female vocational health college students took part in the study (their programs were old people care, emergency medical technician, optician, medical documentation and secretary medical imaging and medical laboratory program). The study was carried out in the cross-sectional model. The relationship between variables was examined by t-test for independent groups and multiple regression analysis technique. In this study, positive moderate significant relationship was found between career adaptability and self-esteem. Vocational health college students have higher career adaptability than vocational college students. The dimensions of self-esteem are differently related with adaptability of students in different college.

Keywords: Career adaptability,college students,self-esteem,exploration,planning

Original Articles Intercultural Dialogue and Prejudice in a Multicultural Society, Case of Immigrants of Turkish origin in Germany

Nevide Akpinar Dellal

pp. 32 - 43


Illustrates the example of immigrants of Turkish origin in Germany intercultural dialogue in a multicultural society and prejudices are treated in this study. In the middle of the last century  appeared a transnational worker immigration due to the need of the industrialized countries. At that time Germany took working immigrants from Turkey under contract and now live in Germany about 2.5 million people of Turkish origin. Germany, in which people from different backgrounds, as well as other European countries that have experienced a similar manner immigration, have become multicultural societies. In this study, starting from the idea that one of the biggest and hardest / most important obstacles of integration in Europe sedentary immigrant Turks with the peoples of Europe, the inherited through history prejudices, stereotypes and images are, which is why the Turkish immigrants more problems by mutual dialogue than others. Using the example of Turkish immigrants who immigrated in the 1960s to Germany, the efforts for Sharing Life of the two cultures in dialogue and Image-based and prejudiced Viewpoint, which hampered the cohabitation and coexistence-living of different cultures were treated and as result of the work was trying to make a contribution to dialogue of these two cultures that are two to see complementary cultures of the same society.

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