Original Articles Eksploration Study For Development Model Student Learning To Speak For Education Study Language And Literature Indonesia
Agus - Darmuki pp. 1 - 13 Abstract This study is the initial part of a doctoral dissertation research conducted with the aim at designing a learning model in teaching speaking according to the needs of faculty and students. The learning model is designed based on curriculum of Indonesian Language Education and Literature study program, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, UnirowTuban, and UnisdaLamongan, East Java, Indonesia. The development of this model is done to improve the students speaking skills. Research and development are the steps consist of a needs analysis, document analysis, design models, development models and experimental models. Needs analysis was conducted by researchers to the students of the first semester and three teachers’ and the head of study program of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, UnirowTuban and Unisdalamongan to get information related to the needs of students and faculty to model of learning speaking. Needs analysis and documents analysis were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and discussions with students and academics. Document and needs analysis in this study a syllabus, lesson plan (RPP) and the model used for this study. This research was carried out by following the nature of the procedures of research and development covering the steps of (1) an exploratory study, (2) the stage of development, (3) the testing phase models, (4) dissemination (Borg and Gall (1983) and Sukmadinata (2008)). The results of the analysis of questionnaires, and interviews revealed that lecturers need guidelines for the implementation of learning speaking. Learning model strategies wite that foster self-confidence in speaking is needed by students’. Keywords: Development Model, Needs Analysis, Speaking, Learning. | |
Original Articles Advocating Communicative Language Teaching for Too Long Now: The Inevitability of Grammar Translation Method and a Balance Between CLT and GTM in Instructional Settings
Fuat Fındıkoğlu & Dilek İlhan pp. 14 - 24 Abstract The CLT, after it was introduced in 1970s, started to be rejoiced as many teaching approaches had often gone short of answering a wide range of needs as CLT. It was all of a sudden that the CLT became the most popular method of all as it attached specific utmost importance to the ultimate goal of learning a language: communicating in the target language. The CLT put everything else aside and focused on speaking activities, thus exposing students to real-life examples as much as possible. Gradually though, the main focus shifted from communicating in the target language to the fact that the very idea that it was actually the structures required to become communicatively competent, not to mention the recent studies indicating fluency and accuracy of communication were dependent upon the explicit grammar instruction. The CLT was a way of contradicting the GTM in a way at the beginning. However, along the way, it turned out that grammar was an indispensable part of building on knowledge of language and ensuring grammatically meaningful messages. For the two opposite models, this study suggests a re-evaluation of the two altogether and a balance of GTM on CLT. In doing so, different theories advocating and reasoning against both approaches were evaluated from different aspects along with attributing reference to course books designed in tune with CLT and still providing many tips for bits of grammar in great detail. In conclusion, this study reviews research from past till now and concluded that in selecting teaching approaches it shouldn’t be a matter of trading one approach for another or choosing one way over another, rather, with specific reference to CLT and GTM, the preference of an approach could be an integrated entity where bits of several teaching approaches are blended and act as a complementary approach. Keywords: Communicative language teaching,grammar translation method; language teaching approaches | |
Original Articles Developing EAP writing skills through genre-based instruction: An action research
Kutay Uzun pp. 25 - 38 Abstract The primary aim of the present study is to reveal if Genre-Based Instruction improves the organization of theme analysis essays written by students as a part of the English Literature I course. Secondarily, the study aims to put forth how Genre-Based Instruction is perceived by the participants in terms of its positives and negatives. The participants of the study are 28 volunteer students who take the course. The study has a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design and the data is collected by means of a checklist developed by the researcher and an open-ended questionnaire. To compare the adherence of the participant essays to the checklist before and after the procedure, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test is utilized. Mcnemar Test is used to test the significance of change before and after the instruction. The findings suggest that the procedure has contributed positively to the participant essays in terms of their adherence to the checklist. Qualitative findings show that most participants perceive the procedure positively, while a few participants report several negatives. The findings are discussed in the conclusion section. Keywords: Genre Theory, Genre-based Instruction, Argumentative Essay, Theme Analysis, English for | |
Original Articles Evaluation of Formal-Rhetorical and Problem-Centered Mathematical Proof of Students
Hasan Hamid, Darhim & Bana G. Kartasasmita pp. 39 - 47 Abstract This is the result of a study aimed at evaluating the process of verification of student mathematics education in performing of proof using of the formal-rhetorical part and problem-centered part as proof structure. Description of a combination of the understanding of the formal-rhetorical part and problem-centered part in proving the lemma, theorem and the corollary in Real Analysis will bring the creative side of the students in understanding and validating as well as constructing proof. The formal-rhetorical part sometimes said to be a proof of proof framework, while the problem-centered part relying purely on mathematical problem solving, intuition, and understanding that are more related to the concept. Selden and Selden (2013) stated that two aspects of the structure of this evidence is proof genre. Keywords: Proof, the formal-rhetorical part, the problem-centered part | |
Original Articles The Effects of Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Organizational Climate, and Job Satisfaction on Lecturer’s Commitment and Policy Implications
Ali Idrus & Amirul Mukminin pp. 48 - 55 Abstract The purposes of this research were to verify the personality traits consisting of conscientiousness and agreeableness as personal factors along with job satisfaction and organizational climate as the environmental factors affect organizational commitment, and to compare the organizational commitment of lecturers at one public university in Jambi. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument to collect the data from 140 lecturers. Data were analysed by using descriptive statistics and path analysis to analyse the effects of conscientiousness, agreeableness, job satisfaction and organizational climate on organizational commitment. The results of the study indicated that conscientiousness, agreeableness, job satisfaction had direct effects on organizational commitment, while organizational climate had indirect effects. Additionally, the organizational climate had direct effects on job satisfaction. These findings indicated that personal and environmental factors affected organizational commitment in an organization. Keywords: conscientiousness and agreeableness, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational climate | |
Original Articles Relationships between Motivation to Study Lesson and Classroom Engagement
Ali Eryılmaz & Fatma Altınsoy pp. 56 - 68 Abstract The goal of this study is to examine the relationships between motivation to study lesson and classroom engagement. The study was conducted on 214 female and 197 male, in total 411, students who were 10th and 11th grade high school students. Data were collected via Motivation to Study Lesson and Classroom Engagement Scales in the study. The relations between motivation to study and gender were examined via independent samples t-test technique. Furthermore, the relations between motivation to study and classroom engagement were evaluated with multiple regression analysis technique. According to the findings of the study, it was found out that the cases of intrinsic motivation for studying for girls were higher than the boys. Boys, on the other hand, had higher scores than the girls in terms of amotivation for studying. Regression analysis results showed that the cases of getting motivated to study were related to emotional engagement. Moreover, it was important for the girls to engage cognitively in the lesson in their intrinsic motivation for studying lesson. In conclusion, emotional engagement and gender seems important in students’ motivation for studying lesson Keywords: - |