Original Articles Common Characteristics Of An Effective English Language Teacher
Ali DİNÇER, Ali GÖKSU, Ayşegül TAKKAÇ & Mine YAZICI pp. 1 - 8 Abstract Effective learning is strongly related to effective teacher and effective teaching. In this concept, teachers’ characteristics gain crucial importance in understanding and lessening the problems and difficulties hindering students’ long lasting learning process. The aim of this study is to present a literature review about the features of an effective English language teacher by comprising of the common characteristics in the studies and to give some pedagogical suggestions for English language teachers on how to increase their effectiveness in the classroom. Therefore, over 30 studies conducted in foreign language education area were overviewed and main characteristics of an effective English language teacher mostly cited in these studies were categorized under four headings. These four categories are as follow: socio-affective skills, pedagogical knowledge, subject-matter knowledge and personality characteristics. Findings showed that an English language teacher should have socio-affective skills, pedagogical knowledge, subject matter knowledge and personal qualities for better language teaching and learning. In addition, an effective English language teacher should have a balanced combination of these four main aspects. Keywords: effective, English language teacher, socio-affective skills, pedagogical knowledge, subject matter knowledge | |
Original Articles Our Roots In Çanakkale, From Homer To Ataturk, From Sun Tzu To Obama
Francesco Sidoti CORSARO pp. 9 - 22 Abstract In the four billion years of our past, we have had many relatives. Human roots lie deeply below history's surface, sunken in the entire geological life of the Earth, in symbiosis with organisms and plants. From the Darwinian "little warm pond" to genetic engineering, suddenly and confidently today we have become audacious creators of ourselves, thanks to artificial biology and modified food. Some scientists play God, so it might be worthwhile to rewind our ancestry back to Çanakkale, a pre-eminent location with unforgettable clues about the beginning, when we were molded into what we are now. In a traditional society, everything is rooted in the hierarchies and customs of that which went before. It has been said that current modernity means, above all, uncertainty about our roots and about our identity: we are detached from time and space, orphans restlessly travelling in search of our fathers. But, even in hypermodern thinking, Ch. Taylor says that, in order to know "Who I am", we must know where we are: "I define my identify by indicating where I am". If I want to know my founding fathers, I must at least understand where I am now. Today we are in Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi. Çanakkale is the city governing the territory of Troy, legendary land where, according to one interpretation, Europe’s first identity was born, with Homer and Virgil. It then became canonical in Shakespeare and Milton. In those places where terrifying battles were fought, Homer and Ataturk wrote monumental lines about war and peace. The battles were terrifying, but Homer and Ataturk were not merciless. I will try to argue that they had similar feelings, in the same geographical places, over three thousand years of history, beyond the times and languages and beliefs that separated them. I will also assert that president Obama spoke in a similar manner, about war and peace, right here, in Turkey, in 2008, including his presidency in the enduring tradition which shines not only in an unsurpassed poet like Homer and in an invincible commander like Ataturk, but also in the greatest theorist on war and peace: Sun Tzu. Keywords: - | |
Original Articles Peace, Memory And Education Research
Johan GALTUNG pp. 23 - 32 Abstract What an excellent idea, to combine "peace" with "memory", and both of them with education, or. more precisely, the lack of it! In this conference on memory ground between the origin of the Ottoman Empire in Bursa, Troy of Homer fame, and Gallipoli of modern Turkey. So I will divide my address in two parts. one devoted to an operational definition of "peace, the fact peace, not the word; and one to the present crisis in Turkey to see whether the definition of peace can give us some ideas about, say, the Taksim square-Gezi Park. There is no value to peace theory unless it is peace practice indicative. Keywords: - |