Original Articles An Investigation of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Use of 40 Nursing Successful Indonesian Students
Djihad Bouaoune & Dyah Setyawati Ciptaningrum pp. 1 - 15 Abstract researches indicated that the confusion in selecting the effective instructions and approaches for teaching vocabulary made this latter problematic for teachers especially in the field of English for specific purposes (ESP). The learners of ESP need an adequate vocabulary to read special texts concerning their area of specialism. As a reflection to this matter, recent studies showed that Vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) are crucial tools for supporting the learners’ autonomy and facilitating the vocabulary learning. Therefore, the current pure qualitative case study aims at investigating the vocabulary learning strategies employed by 40 nursing Indonesian students as a case that needs exploration to provide deep insights concerning the use of VLSs in ESP field. Data have been collected through triangulating focus group interviews, observation, and a reading task to gain a thick overview of the way VLSs are used by the participants. Findings showed that the ESP students used different varieties of VLSs including the metacognitive and cognitive strategies, while they showed many lacks in terms of effective use of the mentioned strategies. Therefore, ESP field still needs more investigations and researches that shed the light on the way VLSs can be employed effectively to learn ESP vocabulary.
Keywords: Second language acquisition, vocabulary knowledge, language learning strategies, vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs), English for specific purposes (ESP) teaching and learning. | |
Original Articles An Experimental Investigation of Counselling Reality Therapy in Reducing Mathematics Anxiety of in-School Adolescents in Oyo State, Nigeria
Kamilu Olanrewaju Muraina pp. 16 - 23 Abstract The study examined experimental investigation of counselling reality therapy in reducing Mathematics anxiety of in-school adolescents in Oyo State, Nigeria. Pretest-posttest, control group quasi-experimental design with a 2x2 factorial matrix was used in the study. Simple random sampling technique was used in sampling participants from 4 local government areas in the state. The respondents were measured with relevant adapted standardized instrument with .82 reliability coefficient. Data obtained was analyzed using t-test statistical analysis. Two (2) research hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that there was significant difference in the Mathematics anxiety of students exposed to counselling reality therapy and those in the control group and there was significant difference in the Mathematics anxiety of students with high self-esteem and those with low self-esteem. In view of these findings, the study stressed that counselling psychologists should intensify their effort to organize conferences on the implications of counselling therapeutic intervention as effective tools in reducing Mathematics anxiety. Keywords: Counselling Reality Therapy, Mathematics Anxiety and In-school Adolescents | |
Original Articles The Contribution of Pre-School Education toStudents' Academic Achievement in first cycle Primary Schools of Ethiopia
Befekadu Sirnessa Gutaa & Wudu Melese Tarekegne pp. 24 - 36 Abstract This study was aimed at investigating the contribution of pre-school education in the first cycle primary school. This contribution was assessed in terms of students' academic achievement. Academic achievement was measured in terms of students' achievement result obtained from school records. The study used an ex-post facto design, in which what is happening on the students' achievement in primary school as their pre-school education was assessed. The participants of the study were selected randomly from Burayu Town administration government elementary schools. Students' result record/roster from grade one to four in three subjects (Afan Oromo, English and Mathematics) was analyzed to see the contribution of pre-school in the academic achievement during their primary school years and difference between pre-school attendees and non attendees. The study result showed that, pre-school education contributes to better students’ academic achievement. In addition the analysis of the achievement result also reveals that there was statistically significant difference between pre-school attendees and non attendees across the primary school years with p< .001. The difference in achievement between these groups was higher in grade one and slightly decreased across grade years. It was recommended that the government together with private and NGO partners should design strategies that provide pre-school education to rural areas and expand access and better enrolment in pre-school education. Keywords: Pre-school education, First cycle primary education, Academic achievement |