Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2016, Vol. 7(3) 12-20

Examining University Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English Using Different Variables

Hakan Karatas, Bulent Alci, Mehtap Bademcioglu & Atilla Ergin

pp. 12 - 20

Publish Date: December 01, 2016  |   Single/Total View: 522/948   |   Single/Total Download: 683/1.968


This study aimed to understand if the students' attitudes towards learning English show significant differences in terms of gender, language level, receiving English preparatory training, and the kind of high school they graduated from. The study was carried out in the descriptive survey model. The research group included 320 male (65.6 %) and 168 female (34.4 %) English preparatory students at Istanbul Technical University. The Attitudes towards English Scale was used as the data collection tool. Data were analysed using independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA. According to t-test and ANOVA results, it can be said the university students' attitudes towards learning English are not affected by gender, receiving preparatory training, language level and high school differentiation.

Keywords: attitude,foreign language,university students

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APA 7th edition
Karatas, H., Alci, B., Bademcioglu, M., & Ergin, A. (2016). Examining University Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English Using Different Variables. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 7(3), 12-20.

Karatas, H., Alci, B., Bademcioglu, M. and Ergin, A. (2016). Examining University Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English Using Different Variables. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 7(3), pp. 12-20.

Chicago 16th edition
Karatas, Hakan, Bulent Alci, Mehtap Bademcioglu and Atilla Ergin (2016). "Examining University Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English Using Different Variables". International Journal of Educational Researchers 7 (3):12-20.

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