Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2016, Vol. 7(3) 32-43

Intercultural Dialogue and Prejudice in a Multicultural Society, Case of Immigrants of Turkish origin in Germany

Nevide Akpinar Dellal

pp. 32 - 43

Publish Date: December 01, 2016  |   Single/Total View: 193/898   |   Single/Total Download: 218/1.822


Illustrates the example of immigrants of Turkish origin in Germany intercultural dialogue in a multicultural society and prejudices are treated in this study. In the middle of the last century appeared a transnational worker immigration due to the need of the industrialized countries. At that time Germany took working immigrants from Turkey under contract and now live in Germany about 2.5 million people of Turkish origin. Germany, in which people from different backgrounds, as well as other European countries that have experienced a similar manner immigration, have become multicultural societies. In this study, starting from the idea that one of the biggest and hardest / most important obstacles of integration in Europe sedentary immigrant Turks with the peoples of Europe, the inherited through history prejudices, stereotypes and images are, which is why the Turkish immigrants more problems by mutual dialogue than others. Using the example of Turkish immigrants who immigrated in the 1960s to Germany, the efforts for Sharing Life of the two cultures in dialogue and Image-based and prejudiced Viewpoint, which hampered the cohabitation and coexistence-living of different cultures were treated and as result of the work was trying to make a contribution to dialogue of these two cultures that are two to see complementary cultures of the same society.

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APA 7th edition
Dellal, N.A. (2016). Intercultural Dialogue and Prejudice in a Multicultural Society, Case of Immigrants of Turkish origin in Germany. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 7(3), 32-43.

Dellal, N. (2016). Intercultural Dialogue and Prejudice in a Multicultural Society, Case of Immigrants of Turkish origin in Germany. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 7(3), pp. 32-43.

Chicago 16th edition
Dellal, Nevide Akpinar (2016). "Intercultural Dialogue and Prejudice in a Multicultural Society, Case of Immigrants of Turkish origin in Germany". International Journal of Educational Researchers 7 (3):32-43.

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