Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2020, Vol. 11(1) 47-62

The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence Levels, Problem Solving Skills and Academic Achievements of Engineering Students

Atilla Ergin, Hakan Karatas & Esra Mutlu

pp. 47 - 62

Publish Date: March 28, 2020  |   Single/Total View: 295/969   |   Single/Total Download: 417/1.766


Emotional intelligence is the ability of people to understand the complex emotions they have in themselves and to analyse the emotional expressions of the people towards them. Problem-solving is a cognitive process for converting a particular situation into a resulting state when there is no clear solution method for the problem solver. University students can cope with their problems more easily if they are able to use their emotional intelligence to show rational and appropriate approaches. This is especially important for engineering students who are transitioning from education to business life. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence levels and problem-solving skills of engineering students in terms of gender, grade, department, university and academic achievement variables. The study group is comprised of university students enrolled in Istanbul Technical University and Yıldız Technical University Engineering Programs in 2018-2019. In the data analysis of this study, conducted in the relational survey model, ANOVA and T-test for normal distribution data, and Man Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests were used for data with non-normal distribution. Pearson correlation test was used to determine the relationship between variables. According to the findings, it was seen that there was a moderate uphill (negative) correlation between the emotional intelligence level and problem-solving skill of the engineering students and there was a weak uphill (positive) correlation between emotional intelligence and academic achievement. In addition, there was a weak uphill (negative) correlation between problem-solving skill and academic achievement of engineering students. The results show that the level of emotional intelligence and problem-solving skills of engineering students predict the academic achievement with a low rate.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence Level, Problem-Solving Skills, Academic Achievement, Engineering, University Students

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APA 7th edition
Ergin, A., Karatas, H., & Mutlu, E. (2020). The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence Levels, Problem Solving Skills and Academic Achievements of Engineering Students. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 11(1), 47-62.

Ergin, A., Karatas, H. and Mutlu, E. (2020). The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence Levels, Problem Solving Skills and Academic Achievements of Engineering Students. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 11(1), pp. 47-62.

Chicago 16th edition
Ergin, Atilla, Hakan Karatas and Esra Mutlu (2020). "The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence Levels, Problem Solving Skills and Academic Achievements of Engineering Students". International Journal of Educational Researchers 11 (1):47-62.

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