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International Journal of Educational Researchers 2020, Vol. 11(1) 1-13

Prevalence, Forms, Contributing Factors, and Consequences of Academic Cheating among Public Second Cycle Primary School Students: In Mersa City Administration, Amhara Region, Ethiopia  

Dessale Worku, Meseret Dejenie & Koye Getahun

pp. 1 - 13

Publish Date: March 28, 2020  |   Single/Total View: 202/929   |   Single/Total Download: 328/1.726


This study examined the prevalence, forms, contributing factors, and perceived consequence of academic cheating among students. Assessing the status, identifying the forms,and contributing factors, examining the consequences and inspecting the practice across socio-demographic variable were the objectives. Data were collected from students, teachers, supervisors, educational experts, PTA, principal and vice Principals. A self made questionnaire consisting of 45 items was administered for selected students with stratified random sampling. Mainly mean rank order, one and independent sample t-tests and Pearson correlation coefficient were used for data analysis. The finding of the study revealed that cheating is highly prevalent in second cycle primary schools. The most frequently used forms of cheating were  using crib note, looking to a nearby another’s answer sheet and copy it , doing the exam together and using exercise book or text materials during the exam. The major contributing factors of academic cheating were fear of failure and to get good result and fear of consequence of failure. The result also indicated that perceived consequence of academic cheating was high in second cycle primary schools. Regarding with socio-demographic variables, the result revealed that no statistically significance difference between male and female students in practice of cheating, but between grade level and schools. The finding also indicated that age and prevalence of academic cheating has statistically significant negative relationships. It was concluded that the problem is serious and multifaceted. Urgent and everlasting intervention is needed to be taken by the concerned body to tackle the problem.

Keywords: Prevalence, Forms, Contributing Factors, Perceived Consequence, Academic Cheating.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Worku, D., Dejenie, M., & Getahun, K. (2020). Prevalence, Forms, Contributing Factors, and Consequences of Academic Cheating among Public Second Cycle Primary School Students: In Mersa City Administration, Amhara Region, Ethiopia  . International Journal of Educational Researchers, 11(1), 1-13.

Worku, D., Dejenie, M. and Getahun, K. (2020). Prevalence, Forms, Contributing Factors, and Consequences of Academic Cheating among Public Second Cycle Primary School Students: In Mersa City Administration, Amhara Region, Ethiopia  . International Journal of Educational Researchers, 11(1), pp. 1-13.

Chicago 16th edition
Worku, Dessale, Meseret Dejenie and Koye Getahun (2020). "Prevalence, Forms, Contributing Factors, and Consequences of Academic Cheating among Public Second Cycle Primary School Students: In Mersa City Administration, Amhara Region, Ethiopia  ". International Journal of Educational Researchers 11 (1):1-13.

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