Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2017, Vol. 8(2) 9-14
pp. 9 - 14
Publish Date: December 12, 2017 | Single/Total View: 1.385/1.344 | Single/Total Download: 2.048/2.623
As in many other countries, university education in Turkey has a special effect on students' lives. While students generally live with their families for high school education, most of them alter their residence and also living conditions when they start university education. Research studies show that, there is a close relationship between housing conditions and university students' performance. (Arauja and Murray 2010, Astin: 1973, Clarkson: 2006) Therefore, housing options may have different effects on students' academic achievement. The present study was an attempt to explore the extent of this relationship. In order to collect data, two different instruments were used. The first instrument was the adopted form of a survey developed by Helfrich in 2011. In addition to this, students' final exam results, which were accepted as the determiner of academic achievement, were also used as another source of data. The data were analyzed by using independent samples t-test, and the resuts revealed that there was not a significant difference between the groups in terms of achievement. That's to say, if the conditions of the residence were arranged well, it did not matter for the students whether it was a dormitory, a flat or any other kind of residence.
Keywords: residence type, prep-students, academic achievement, staying at dormitory,
APA 7th edition
Usul, S.Y. (2017). The Relationship between Students’ Residence Type and Academic Achievement. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 8(2), 9-14.
Usul, S. (2017). The Relationship between Students’ Residence Type and Academic Achievement. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 8(2), pp. 9-14.
Chicago 16th edition
Usul, Sevinc Yerli (2017). "The Relationship between Students’ Residence Type and Academic Achievement". International Journal of Educational Researchers 8 (2):9-14.