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International Journal of Educational Researchers 2016, Vol. 7(1) 1-16

A Research on the Effect of Career and Job Getting Perception on Learning Motivation and Career Development Efforts

Metin Atak, İlhan Atik & İbrahim Ceylan

pp. 1 - 16

Publish Date: March 01, 2016  |   Single/Total View: 298/1.010   |   Single/Total Download: 320/1.986


Learning motivation can be defined as learner's perception of learning activities for meaningful and valuable, an effort for benefiting from them for himself. Studies executed on learning motivation show that a highly motivated student carries on his learning activities on account of pleasure he takes in a learning activity and learning facilities or the sense of achievement inspired. On the one hand, as for a lowly motivated student, he does his work for the sake of an award or avoidance of possible punishments. This situation has an impact on the success of teaching activity to a great extent. There are many factors that affect learning motivation which has such importance on teaching. Through removing the obstacles, educators and training directors strive for creating learning environment where learning motivation is considerably high. It has been revealed in many studies that personnel's career expectations and their wish for having permanent positions contribute to their performing better in the organization, having high organizational commitment and tendency for not leaving their jobs. Accordingly, in the process of learning towards a job, the perception of both having had the occupation and career's meeting the expectations related with the job draw attention as a variable influencing candidates' learing motivation. The problem of this study is to determine the impact of students' job getting and career perceptions on learning motivation and career development efforts. In this study, by confirming aeronautics undergraduates' getting a job and their career perception together with the levels of their career development efforts and learning motivation perceptions, the correlation between them is examined. Accordng to study findings, it is concluded that career perception influence positively not only learning motivation but also career development effort, whereas job getting perception affects learning motivation positively, it has no effect on career development effort.

Keywords: Learning motivation, job getting perception, career perception, career development effort

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APA 7th edition
Atak, M., Atik, I., & Ceylan, I. (2016). A Research on the Effect of Career and Job Getting Perception on Learning Motivation and Career Development Efforts. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 7(1), 1-16.

Atak, M., Atik, I. and Ceylan, I. (2016). A Research on the Effect of Career and Job Getting Perception on Learning Motivation and Career Development Efforts. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 7(1), pp. 1-16.

Chicago 16th edition
Atak, Metin, Ilhan Atik and Ibrahim Ceylan (2016). "A Research on the Effect of Career and Job Getting Perception on Learning Motivation and Career Development Efforts". International Journal of Educational Researchers 7 (1):1-16.

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