Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2016, Vol. 7(1) 33-45
pp. 33 - 45
Publish Date: March 01, 2016 | Single/Total View: 213/1.030 | Single/Total Download: 236/2.167
Football is meaningful with the contribution of fans and their enthusiasm. The enthusiasm of fans has got relative definitions. Some delirious acts of fans who are indispensable part of football, take precedence over football and these acts has reached a dimension threatening local government and public authorities. After 1990 Hate Crimes are added to Hooliganism, Violence and Vandalism which are defined as delirious act in sports. Due to the increasing racism threat, UEFA has decided to implement an efficient act plan in 2002. The developed Ten Point Plan has included advices and examples of application to Sport Clubs and Fan Groups. Although the Ten Point Plan is too detailed, in this research only programs which were practiced on fan groups, kids and youngsters at school age and the results of these programs are included. As the proposed programs which were offered to fans and NGOs, has become successful, it is seen that the greater success has been achieved in the programs and campaigns targeted kids and youngsters at school age. It is found out that there is a great difficulty to reach data to compare the research results in Turkey. In the level of Sport clubs no information could be collected on the other hand some limited information about limited activities of Fans and NGOs.
Keywords: Education, Football, 10-Point Plan of Action, Children and Youth, NGO’s
APA 7th edition
Cerrahoglu, N. (2016). The UEFA Concept of Fighting Against Racism Results of Training Activities and A Comparison to Turkey. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 7(1), 33-45.
Cerrahoglu, N. (2016). The UEFA Concept of Fighting Against Racism Results of Training Activities and A Comparison to Turkey. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 7(1), pp. 33-45.
Chicago 16th edition
Cerrahoglu, Necati (2016). "The UEFA Concept of Fighting Against Racism Results of Training Activities and A Comparison to Turkey". International Journal of Educational Researchers 7 (1):33-45.