Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2023, Vol. 14(4) 14-24

A Case Study on School Dropout in Secondary Education: Causes and Solutions According to the Views of Administrators and Teachers

Yasemin Sultan Uzunova & Şefika Melike Çağatay

pp. 14 - 24   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 31, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 122/577   |   Single/Total Download: 166/696


In this study, according to the views of teachers and administrators, the reasons why students drop out of school and the measures to be taken for these reasons were revealed. Based on the data obtained, the reasons for students' dropout are divided into three groups as follows: individual reasons, family-related reasons, and reasons arising from the education system and Ministry of National Education policies. This study was conducted as a qualitative research and semi-structured interview method was used by the researcher to collect the data. In addition, 'maximum diversity' sampling, one of the purposeful sampling methods, was preferred in this study. This research was conducted with the participation of 20 administrators and teachers in Nilüfer district of Bursa province. The research was conducted in the 2022-2023 academic year and with this study, solutions were developed for the causes of the problem according to the opinions of administrators and teachers working in secondary education institutions on school dropout.Every step to be taken to find a solution to the secondary school dropout problem in secondary education institutions will be beneficial to solve the problem and that the decrease in dropout rates will contribute to a sustainable economy for our country and a generation that grows up physically and mentally healthy.

Keywords: Educational administration, educational policies, leaving school, school dropout.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Uzunova, Y.S., & Cagatay, S.M. (2023). A Case Study on School Dropout in Secondary Education: Causes and Solutions According to the Views of Administrators and Teachers. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 14(4), 14-24.

Uzunova, Y. and Cagatay, S. (2023). A Case Study on School Dropout in Secondary Education: Causes and Solutions According to the Views of Administrators and Teachers. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 14(4), pp. 14-24.

Chicago 16th edition
Uzunova, Yasemin Sultan and Sefika Melike Cagatay (2023). "A Case Study on School Dropout in Secondary Education: Causes and Solutions According to the Views of Administrators and Teachers". International Journal of Educational Researchers 14 (4):14-24.

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