Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2019, Vol. 10(2) 1-7

Implementation of the Contextual Approach to Improve Care Attitudes of Fourth Grade Students of Elementary School

Diyah Retno Wulansari Diyah, Nanik Setyowati Nanik & Turhan Yani Turhan

pp. 1 - 7

Publish Date: June 26, 2019  |   Single/Total View: 239/923   |   Single/Total Download: 354/1.738


This study aims to determine the activities of teachers, student activities, and increase the caring attitude of fourth grade students by applying a contextual approach. This type of research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR). The study was conducted in 3 cycles, by carrying out several stages, namely the planning, implementation and observation stages, as well as the reflection stage. The results showed an increase from cycle I to cycle III. For teacher activities in the first cycle, the percentage showed 67.85%, in the second cycle it increased to 82.14% and the third cycle increased to 96.42%. The activity of students in the first cycle percentage value of 65%. And in cycle II, student activity increased to 80%, while in cycle III student activity again increased to 90%. While the increase in student care attitude can be seen from the results of student questionnaires from 65% in the first cycle to 78.25% in the second cycle and increased to 87.5%. The research subjects were fourth grade students of Bustanul Ulum Islamic Elementary School. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and attitude questionnaires filled by students.

Keywords: Approach, contextual, caring attitude

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Diyah, D.R.W., Nanik, N.S., & Turhan, T.Y. (2019). Implementation of the Contextual Approach to Improve Care Attitudes of Fourth Grade Students of Elementary School. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(2), 1-7.

Diyah, D., Nanik, N. and Turhan, T. (2019). Implementation of the Contextual Approach to Improve Care Attitudes of Fourth Grade Students of Elementary School. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(2), pp. 1-7.

Chicago 16th edition
Diyah, Diyah Retno Wulansari, Nanik Setyowati Nanik and Turhan Yani Turhan (2019). "Implementation of the Contextual Approach to Improve Care Attitudes of Fourth Grade Students of Elementary School". International Journal of Educational Researchers 10 (2):1-7.

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