Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2022, Vol. 13(3) 1-11

An Analysis of the Relationship between Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Competencies and Their Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

Göksel Boran & Salih Zeki Genç

pp. 1 - 11

Publish Date: September 30, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 169/483   |   Single/Total Download: 247/742


This study aims to reveal the nature of the relationship between elementary school mathematics teachers' TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) competencies and their use of ICTs. The convergent mixed method was used and 185 elementary school mathematics teachers participated in the sampling of the quantitative phase of the study. 30 elementary school mathematics teachers voluntarily formed the study group of the qualitative phase. Technological pedagogical content knowledge competencies scale, information and communication technologies (ICT) competence perception scale for preservice teachers, and semi-structured interview form were used as the data collection tools. The quantitative data obtained from the research were analyzed with arithmetic mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentage, t-test, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey test. The content analysis technique was used in the analysis of the qualitative data, the quantitative data were modeled by applying the SPSS program, and the qualitative data were modeled by using the N-Vivo program. The findings show that elementary school mathematics teachers feel self-competent in TPACK. Similarly, elementary school mathematics teachers were also found to feel efficacious in using their ICT skills. Elementary school mathematics teachers' perceptions of competency in TPACK were found to differ significantly by the variables of gender, computer education status, level of computer knowledge and daily use of the computer. In addition, was determined that elementary school mathematics teachers' efficacy perceptions for the use of ICTs differ significantly by the variables of gender, computer education status, level of computer knowledge, and daily use of the computer. It was further revealed that elementary school mathematics teachers mostly use the computer for tasks related to their lessons and for research purposes

Keywords: Perception, Information and Communication technologies, Elementary mathematics, Mixed method, Technology, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

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APA 7th edition
Boran, G., & Genc, S.Z. (2022). An Analysis of the Relationship between Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Competencies and Their Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). International Journal of Educational Researchers, 13(3), 1-11.

Boran, G. and Genc, S. (2022). An Analysis of the Relationship between Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Competencies and Their Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). International Journal of Educational Researchers, 13(3), pp. 1-11.

Chicago 16th edition
Boran, Goksel and Salih Zeki Genc (2022). "An Analysis of the Relationship between Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Competencies and Their Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)". International Journal of Educational Researchers 13 (3):1-11.

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