International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-9501

International Journal of Educational Researchers 2015, Vol. 6(3) 50-62

Safety and Risk: Benefits of Outdoor Play For Child Education

Hicran Malıyok

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

  United States 264 523
  France 132 143
  United Kingdom 67 86
  Turkey 43 71
Unknown 43 125
  India 20 31
  Malaysia 19 21
  Indonesia 17 25
  Russian Federation 14 19
  Philippines 13 18
  Ireland 13 20
  Singapore 11 11
  Canada 11 12
  Thailand 10 20
  Germany 9 12
  Europe 8 8
  Zimbabwe 6 7
  Kenya 5 6
  Australia 5 6
  New Zealand 5 5
  China 5 11
  Nigeria 5 13
  Pakistan 4 6
  Jamaica 3 3
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 3 4
Asia/Pacific Region 3 4
  Hong Kong 3 3
  Vietnam 2 2
  Switzerland 2 2
  Nepal 2 2
  Trinidad and Tobago 2 2
  South Africa 1 1
  Peru 1 1
  Sweden 1 1
  Albania 1 1
  Poland 1 1
  Solomon Islands 1 1
  Macedonia 1 1
  Namibia 1 1
  Malta 1 1
  Sri Lanka 1 1
  Moldova, Republic of 1 1
  Maldives 1 1
  Botswana 1 1
  Czech Republic 1 1
  Costa Rica 1 1
  Sierra Leone 1 1
  Zambia 1 1
Unknown 1 2
  United Arab Emirates 1 1
  Korea, Republic of 1 1
  Greece 0 1
  Brazil 0 1
  Lithuania 0 1
  Mexico 0 1
  Ukraine 0 1
  Palestinian Territory 0 2
  Saint Lucia 0 1
  Morocco 0 5
  Lebanon 0 1
  Japan 0 4
  Italy 0 1
  Portugal 0 1
Total 63 countries