International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-9501

International Journal of Educational Researchers 2015, Vol. 6(3) 15-33

Vocabulary Learning Strategy Preferences and Vocabulary Size of Pre-service English Teachers

Sabriye Şener

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

  United States 238 383
  France 123 133
  Turkey 59 98
Unknown 44 142
  Philippines 34 52
  Indonesia 26 34
  Malaysia 25 32
  Vietnam 21 24
  India 19 24
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 18 20
  Thailand 17 23
  Russian Federation 17 25
  China 16 24
  United Kingdom 14 17
  Pakistan 10 12
  Germany 10 11
  Ethiopia 10 14
Asia/Pacific Region 10 13
  Saudi Arabia 6 7
  Algeria 6 7
  Europe 6 7
  Canada 6 6
  South Africa 5 6
  Poland 5 7
  Singapore 5 6
  Japan 5 9
  Hong Kong 4 4
  Libya 4 4
  Oman 4 5
  Korea, Republic of 3 3
  Ukraine 3 3
  Uzbekistan 3 4
  Costa Rica 3 3
  Taiwan 3 5
  Romania 2 2
  Italy 2 2
  Morocco 2 4
  Armenia 2 2
  Mexico 2 3
  Iraq 2 2
  Hungary 2 3
  Egypt 2 3
  Nepal 2 3
  Australia 2 2
  Slovakia 2 2
  Croatia 1 1
Unknown 1 2
  Tanzania, United Republic of 1 1
  Greece 1 1
  Jordan 1 1
  Netherlands 1 1
  Spain 1 1
  Portugal 1 1
  Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 1
  Panama 1 1
  Kuwait 1 1
  Malta 1 1
  Tunisia 1 1
  Cambodia 1 1
  Estonia 1 1
  Ghana 1 3
  Nigeria 1 3
  Myanmar 1 2
  Kenya 1 1
  Bangladesh 1 2
  Sweden 1 1
  Argentina 0 1
  Iceland 0 1
  Palestinian Territory 0 1
  Chile 0 1
  Brazil 0 1
  Moldova, Republic of 0 1
  Bahrain 0 1
Total 73 countries