International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-9501

Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2015, Vol. 6(3) 15-33

Vocabulary Learning Strategy Preferences and Vocabulary Size of Pre-service English Teachers

Sabriye Şener

pp. 15 - 33   |  Manu. Number: ijers.2015.010

Published online: December 01, 2015  |   Number of Views: 922  |  Number of Download: 1602


The present study examined the vocabulary learning strategy preferences and vocabulary size of pre-service English teachers at a state university in Turkey. It also investigated the relationship between their strategy use and vocabulary size. To this end, 304 pre-service teachers constituted the working group of the research. In this study, a quantitative research design was employed. For data collection, an adapted version of the Vocabulary Learning Strategy Inventory and Vocabulary Levels Test were used. The most frequently used vocabulary learning strategy sub-group was found to be determination and the lowest vocabulary learning strategy subgroup was cognitive. Besides, the most significant relationship was seen between the vocabulary size and cognitive strategies. Finally, multiple comparison tests revealed a significant statistical difference between the first and fourth graders’ vocabulary size.

Keywords: Word level, vocabulary learning strategies, vocabulary size

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Sener, S. (2015). Vocabulary Learning Strategy Preferences and Vocabulary Size of Pre-service English Teachers. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 6(3), 15-33.

Sener, S. (2015). Vocabulary Learning Strategy Preferences and Vocabulary Size of Pre-service English Teachers. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 6(3), pp. 15-33.

Chicago 16th edition
Sener, Sabriye (2015). "Vocabulary Learning Strategy Preferences and Vocabulary Size of Pre-service English Teachers". International Journal of Educational Researchers 6 (3):15-33.

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