Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2018, Vol. 9(5) 52-58

Racism Examples in 2018 World Cup Towards Turkish Origin Football Players

Necati Cerrahoğlu

Single visitor, article views and downloads
Geographical views and downloads distribution
Geographical views and downloads distribution
France 115 114
United States 112 85
India 19 18
Unknow 1 1
Turkey 14 10
Russian Federation 13 9
Singapore 5 5
Thailand 5 4
China 4 4
Indonesia 3 3
Vietnam 3 3
Pakistan 2 2
Hong Kong 2 2
Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 2
Europe 2 1
Canada 1 1
Korea, Republic of 1 1
Bangladesh 1 1
Germany 2 1
Total 19 countries