Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2016, Vol. 7(3) 32-43

Intercultural Dialogue and Prejudice in a Multicultural Society, Case of Immigrants of Turkish origin in Germany

Nevide Akpinar Dellal

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Geographical views and downloads distribution
Geographical views and downloads distribution
United States 174 130
France 141 128
Unknow 1 1
India 16 16
Russian Federation 23 15
Turkey 17 9
Germany 8 7
China 11 7
Singapore 7 7
Thailand 6 6
Pakistan 4 3
Korea, Republic of 2 2
Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 2
Vietnam 1 1
Indonesia 1 1
Hong Kong 1 1
Europe 1 1
Total 17 countries