Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2014, Vol. 5(2) 30-46

Professional Development Journey Through Action Research: A Case of A Primary School Teacher In An EFL Context


pp. 30 - 46

Publish Date: July 01, 2014  |   Single/Total View: 548/1.221   |   Single/Total Download: 650/2.307


Although action research enables teachers to take responsibility of their own professional development, teachers ascribe the role of researcher only to experts outside the classroom. Drawing on qualitative analysis of a teacher of English's reflection journal and interviews as well as quantitative analysis of examinations taken by students, this study examines how action research can affect the teacher in terms of content knowledge, teaching practices, and beliefs and attitudes. The results suggest the popularization of action research among teachers by teacher training and development units showing the positive changes in the teacher's performance leading to improved student learning.

Keywords: Action research, professional development, teacher of English

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
KIS, .K. (2014). Professional Development Journey Through Action Research: A Case of A Primary School Teacher In An EFL Context. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 5(2), 30-46.

KIS, . (2014). Professional Development Journey Through Action Research: A Case of A Primary School Teacher In An EFL Context. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 5(2), pp. 30-46.

Chicago 16th edition
KIS, Saadet KORUCU (2014). "Professional Development Journey Through Action Research: A Case of A Primary School Teacher In An EFL Context". International Journal of Educational Researchers 5 (2):30-46.

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