Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2012, Vol. 3(2) 17-30

Developing effective classroom practices to promote social and emotional competence in young learners and impact a peaceful learning environment through the reflective application of evidence based programmes

Maggie Pınar, Nur Bekata Mardin & Ebru Aktan

pp. 17 - 30

Publish Date: July 01, 2012  |   Single/Total View: 135/777   |   Single/Total Download: 148/1.668


Providing current and effective teaching and learning programmes to support the peaceful, constructive learning environment and the social-emotional learning needs of the 21st century child, with effective on-going professional support for practitioners to ensure quality classroom application is a continual challenge for sector specialists. This study examines the potential impact of training and application of a specific kindergarten and primary K-5 programme targeting the development of peaceful behaviors in schools. The study considers the potential status and impact of classroom strategies, as exemplified in specific programme applications designed to build a relationship-centred learning environment on those teachers receiving training, and skills for peaceful co- existence among children and adults.

Constructive practitioner methodologies aimed at enhancing effective communication skills and particularly fostering peaceful discourse, aggression-free conflict management and healthy decision making are examined in classroom context and their perceived contribution to promoting understanding, self-awareness and empathy in children and teachers is considered.


Reflective, participatory research is needed to inform our understanding of the effectiveness of such programmes by focusing on the needs of practitioners and participants, both children and adults, and hence to contribute to good practice in schools and other learning settings. Findings from implementation in 15 locations across Turkey point to the important role of programmes such as LQYBEP in professional development by nurturing personal and professional assets of classroom practitioners and the promotion of strategies to support a peaceful learning setting, and particularly by supporting skills in the empowering use of enquiry in the classroom to build peaceful schools.

Keywords: Peace education, innovative education, reflective teaching, life skills training, pre primary education, social-emotional competencies, professional development

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Pinar, M., Mardin, N.B., & Aktan, E. (2012). Developing effective classroom practices to promote social and emotional competence in young learners and impact a peaceful learning environment through the reflective application of evidence based programmes. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 3(2), 17-30.

Pinar, M., Mardin, N. and Aktan, E. (2012). Developing effective classroom practices to promote social and emotional competence in young learners and impact a peaceful learning environment through the reflective application of evidence based programmes. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 3(2), pp. 17-30.

Chicago 16th edition
Pinar, Maggie, Nur Bekata Mardin and Ebru Aktan (2012). "Developing effective classroom practices to promote social and emotional competence in young learners and impact a peaceful learning environment through the reflective application of evidence based programmes". International Journal of Educational Researchers 3 (2):17-30.