Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2023, Vol. 14(3) 1-13

The Intersection of Burnout and Identity in Novice Private School English Teachers

Gökçe Nur Türkmen

pp. 1 - 13   |  DOI:

Publish Date: September 30, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 86/509   |   Single/Total Download: 161/643


Novice English language educators at private schools confront a variety of issues in constructing their identities and coping with burnout, both of which can have an impact on their teaching methods and professional growth. Teaching is a very demanding profession, and it is common for instructors to experience severe stress, culture shock and burnout, especially in their early years. The purpose of this research is to investigate the causes of burnout among novice English language instructors in private schools, as well as how they negotiate and manage their teacher identity in the face of burnout. Semi-structured interviews and reflective diaries will be used as primary data collection methods in a qualitative research design based on interpretive phenomenological analysis. This study includes a sample of beginner English language instructors with fewer than three years of experience teaching in private schools. The collected data will be thematically examined to find patterns, themes, and meanings connected to burnout and teacher identity. The findings will add to the current literature on novice teacher burnout and teacher identity, as well as strategies for supporting and retaining novice English language instructors in private schools.

Keywords: burnout, teacher identity, private school, novice English teachers

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Turkmen, G.N. (2023). The Intersection of Burnout and Identity in Novice Private School English Teachers. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 14(3), 1-13.

Turkmen, G. (2023). The Intersection of Burnout and Identity in Novice Private School English Teachers. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 14(3), pp. 1-13.

Chicago 16th edition
Turkmen, Gokce Nur (2023). "The Intersection of Burnout and Identity in Novice Private School English Teachers". International Journal of Educational Researchers 14 (3):1-13.

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