Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2021, Vol. 12(1) 46-53
Yordanos Yibeltal Yedemie, Tilahun Mengistie Yidegi
pp. 46 - 53 | Manu. Number: ijers.2021.005
Published online: March 29, 2021 | Number of Views: 69 | Number of Download: 918
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of students’ academic social interaction, academic behavior and academic achievement: examine the relationship among academic social interaction, academic behavior and academic achievement: do students’ academic social interaction and academic behavior predict students’ academic achievement of grade nine and ten students in Woldia Secondary School. The design used in this study was correlational design. The total number of the target population grade nine students in the study area was 1040. Of the total population, 200 grade nine students were selected as the sample of the study using simple random sampling technique. The instruments used in the study were scale questionnaires that measure students’ social interaction and academic behavior and documents to access student’s academic achievement average score in different school subjects of the first semester of 2011 E.C. One sample t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis were employed as data analysis. The results of one sample t-test demonstrated that the mean value of students’ academic social interaction was significantly higher than the mean test value. The mean value of academic behavior was significantly higher than the mean test value. The mean value of students’ academic achievement was significantly higher than the mean test value. The results of the Pearson correlation coefficient demonstrated that there was a statistically positive significant correlation between students’ academic social interaction and academic achievement. The results of regression analysis revealed that there was statistically significant contribution of academic social interaction and academic behavior to academic achievement. The contribution of academic social interaction found to be positive predictor of academic achievement.
Keywords: Social interaction, Academic behavior, Academic achievement
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