Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2017, Vol. 8(3) 42-53

A Narrative Research About Reflections of Experiences on Teaching Turkish As a Foreign Language Abroad

Ayşe Dağ Pestil & Mehtap Özden

Single visitor, article views and downloads
Geographical views and downloads distribution
Geographical views and downloads distribution
France 105 104
United States 163 103
Turkey 41 28
India 23 22
Unknow 1 1
Russian Federation 26 17
China 10 10
Germany 7 6
Thailand 6 6
Korea, Republic of 4 4
Singapore 4 4
Pakistan 3 3
Europe 2 2
Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 2
Yemen 2 2
Vietnam 1 1
Hong Kong 1 1
Bangladesh 1 1
Jordan 1 1
Indonesia 1 1
Slovakia 1 0
Jamaica 1 0
Total 22 countries