Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2017, Vol. 8(3) 42-53

A Narrative Research About Reflections of Experiences on Teaching Turkish As a Foreign Language Abroad

Ayşe Dağ Pestil & Mehtap Özden

pp. 42 - 53

Publish Date: December 25, 2017  |   Single/Total View: 208/868   |   Single/Total Download: 254/1.794


The history of teaching Turkish as a foreign language dates back hundreds of years. Individual studies and formal projects in the field of teaching Turkish as a foreign language have gradually increased worldwide and in Turkey especially in recent years. When it is compared to the studies on the other languages ​​widely spoken all over the world and considering the popularity of learning Turkish as a foreign language, it is estimated that the works must be replaced on a professional level. In the process of teaching Turkish as a foreign language, there are not only the cooperation problems in institutionalization but also the problems about the lack of academicians and professionals and especially the capacities of the programs organized to compansate this deficiency of academicians and professionals on the field. In the study, the evaluations on the efforts made over the recent years in the process of teaching Turkish as a foreign language and the obtained results are presented. The experiences of the academicians who were employed in the process of teaching Turkish as a foreign language abroad and their contributions to the field were analyzed and 'narrative research' which is one of the qualitative research methods were used to obtain the data.

Keywords: Teaching Turkish as a foreign language, Teaching Turkish as a foreign language abroad, narrative research

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APA 7th edition
Pestil, A.D., & Ozden, M. (2017). A Narrative Research About Reflections of Experiences on Teaching Turkish As a Foreign Language Abroad. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 8(3), 42-53.

Pestil, A. and Ozden, M. (2017). A Narrative Research About Reflections of Experiences on Teaching Turkish As a Foreign Language Abroad. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 8(3), pp. 42-53.

Chicago 16th edition
Pestil, Ayse Dag and Mehtap Ozden (2017). "A Narrative Research About Reflections of Experiences on Teaching Turkish As a Foreign Language Abroad". International Journal of Educational Researchers 8 (3):42-53.

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