Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2015, Vol. 6(3) 63-71

Antioxidants and Astaxanthin In Sports Nutrition

Onur Oral, Anna Zusa, İsmail Çağrı Akdogan, Fatih Alakoç & Meral Sevinç Tirpan

pp. 63 - 71

Publish Date: December 01, 2015  |   Single/Total View: 341/877   |   Single/Total Download: 423/1.917


The body has a certain natural defense mechanism which emerges against free radicals resulting from various metabolic mechanisms. The compounds that make up this defense mechanism are called 'antioxidants'. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant found especially in shellfishes (shrimp, crab, lobster, roe etc.) and salmon in high quantity. Sports activities can be improved by balanced nutrition, but it also can be affected negatively by irregular eating habits. It is of vital importance that athletes keep balanced diet in order to get the most efficient result from their tough workouts. The studies about the nutrition of athletes emphasize the importance of antioxidants for the metabolisms of athletes

Keywords: Astaxanthin, sports nutrition, antioxidants, sports performance

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Oral, O., Zusa, A., Akdogan, I.C., Alakoc, F., & Tirpan, M.S. (2015). Antioxidants and Astaxanthin In Sports Nutrition. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 6(3), 63-71.

Oral, O., Zusa, A., Akdogan, I., Alakoc, F. and Tirpan, M. (2015). Antioxidants and Astaxanthin In Sports Nutrition. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 6(3), pp. 63-71.

Chicago 16th edition
Oral, Onur, Anna Zusa, Ismail Cagri Akdogan, Fatih Alakoc and Meral Sevinc Tirpan (2015). "Antioxidants and Astaxanthin In Sports Nutrition". International Journal of Educational Researchers 6 (3):63-71.

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