International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-9501

Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2015, Vol. 6(3) 43-49

Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of and Strategies in Dealing with Misbehavior

Şeyda Selen Çimen & Hazal Çepik-Kiriş

pp. 43 - 49   |  Manu. Number: ijers.2015.012

Published online: December 01, 2015  |   Number of Views: 210  |  Number of Download: 800


It is a fact that the role of classroom management is crucial in teaching English. Therefore, it is important to know the perceptions of teachers on student misbehavior and the strategies they develop to cope with them. This study aims to explore pre-service EFL teachers’ perceptions of and strategies in dealing with misbehavior. Participants consist of 20 students studying in the last year of a four year foreign language teacher education program in Turkey. In this qualitative study, the data were obtained from written responses to open-ended questions and follow-up interviews. The participants were asked questions to identify their perceptions of misbehavior, strategies they develop to deal with them and factors affecting the ways they deal with misbehavior. In this study, findings will be discussed in the light of related literature. 

Keywords: Pre-service teachers, EFL, misbehavior, strategy, perception.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Cimen, S.S. & Cepik-Kiris, H. (2015). Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of and Strategies in Dealing with Misbehavior. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 6(3), 43-49.

Cimen, S. and Cepik-Kiris, H. (2015). Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of and Strategies in Dealing with Misbehavior. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 6(3), pp. 43-49.

Chicago 16th edition
Cimen, Seyda Selen and Hazal Cepik-Kiris (2015). "Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of and Strategies in Dealing with Misbehavior". International Journal of Educational Researchers 6 (3):43-49.

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