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International Journal of Educational Researchers 2019, Vol. 10(1) 1-14

The Needs on Professional Development of English Language Faculty Members at Saudi University

Abduljalil Hazaea

pp. 1 - 14

Publish Date: March 15, 2019  |   Number of Views: 870  |  Number of Download: 1611


Well-designed, Professional Development (PD) planning has become a dire need for effective English Language Teaching (ELT) and learning at higher education. English as Foreign Language (EFL) faculty members at Preparatory Year of Najran University have to improve themselves to meet individual and institutional PD needs. A conceptual framework was developed for Continuing Academic Professional Development (CAPD). This paper aims to explore the needs of these faculty members on CAPD, and to identify the effective ways to implement such needs. The data was collected from the faculty members through a google form close and open questionnaire. While the close items were analyzed through SPSS 20, the open questions were analyzed through thematic analysis. The analysis reveals that the highest need is related to teaching and learning activities (M=3.90). Such need can be best implemented through workshops, short courses, webinars and emails.  Research activities are also in high need (M=3.85) that can be implemented through research groups. Activities on university and community service were the lowest need (M=3.66) that can be implemented through outdoor cultural activities and exhibitions. The study recommends implementing such needs based on the priority of needs.

Keywords: Professional Development; ELT; need analysis; higher education

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APA 7th edition
Hazaea, A. (2019). The Needs on Professional Development of English Language Faculty Members at Saudi University. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(1), 1-14.

Hazaea, A. (2019). The Needs on Professional Development of English Language Faculty Members at Saudi University. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(1), pp. 1-14.

Chicago 16th edition
Hazaea, Abduljalil (2019). "The Needs on Professional Development of English Language Faculty Members at Saudi University". International Journal of Educational Researchers 10 (1):1-14.

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