Original article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2014, Vol. 5(3) 14-26
pp. 14 - 26
Publish Date: December 01, 2014 | Single/Total View: 191/850 | Single/Total Download: 219/1.726
The aim of this study is to determine the subjects, types and methods of the studies carried out especially on educational curriculum and instruction in Granada University in Spain, and to examine these studies’ similar/different aspects with Turkish studies. Therefore, the essays published between January 2000-June 2014 in the educational curriculum and instruction journals were included in the study. The essays were subjected to content analysis through “Essay Classification Form” evaluating year, number of author, subject, method, data collection instrument, sample property and data analysis technique. The research results showed that most of the essays were single-authored; prepared on learning, teaching, teacher training and curriculum development and instruction evaluation; and qualitative studies in theoretical type. It was concluded that descriptive analysis were often used in the qualitative essays while frequency/percentage values, mean/standard deviation values, graphic description, t-test, correlation analysis, ANOVA and structural equation model were preferred in the quantitative essays
Keywords: curriculum and instruction, research trends, scientific research
APA 7th edition
EKSIOGLU, ï., GUR-ERDOGAN, D., & KARABACAK, K. (2014). Research Trends in Curriculum And Instruction Field in Spain. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 5(3), 14-26.
EKSIOGLU, ï., GUR-ERDOGAN, D. and KARABACAK, K. (2014). Research Trends in Curriculum And Instruction Field in Spain. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 5(3), pp. 14-26.
Chicago 16th edition
EKSIOGLU, Subhan, Duygu GUR-ERDOGAN and Kerim KARABACAK (2014). "Research Trends in Curriculum And Instruction Field in Spain". International Journal of Educational Researchers 5 (3):14-26.