Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2024, Vol. 15(4) 20-42
pp. 20 - 42 | DOI:
Publish Date: December 30, 2024 | Single/Total View: 38/33 | Single/Total Download: 46/38
Some public school teachers could conduct action research despite the training they have received before. In the Philippine local context, San Pedro Relocation Center National High School teachers could not conduct action research due to misguidance and low research competence. So, a school-based project HEART (Harmonizing Educational Action Research for Teachers), was conceptualized and implemented through capacity-building training, providing action research templates in English and Filipino versions, leadership support, presentation and critique of action research proposals, and mentoring and coaching sessions. This study aimed to capacitate teachers in basic education by employing Project HEART to build an action research culture. The project was conducted for ten months, employing a practical action research design. Forty teachers voluntarily participated in the said teachers' capacity-building training for four days, received technical assistance and were mentored. Then, the data were collected through a survey questionnaire, an evaluation form, and interview guide questions validated by a group of education experts. After the participation, teachers were highly competent in conducting action research regarding selecting a researchable topic, planning an action research project, integrating research ethics, analyzing and presenting data, utilizing technology, and reflecting on and communicating results. Also, the said project was evaluated as highly effective by the participants. Hence, teachers could conduct action research as a manifestation of developing an action research culture in a public school. However, the participants suggested having more training with a longer time focusing on specific school problems and a research presentation of completed action research within the training. The study suggested that an action research culture can be developed if properly harmonized through the capacity-building of teachers with constant technical assistance, persistent mentoring and coaching, and support from school administrators.
Keywords: Action Research, Basic Education, Research Culture, Secondary Teachers
APA 7th edition
Insorio, A. (2024). Harmonizing Educational Action Research for Teachers: Means for Developing the Action Research Culture. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 15(4), 20-42.
Insorio, A. (2024). Harmonizing Educational Action Research for Teachers: Means for Developing the Action Research Culture. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 15(4), pp. 20-42.
Chicago 16th edition
Insorio, Alvin (2024). "Harmonizing Educational Action Research for Teachers: Means for Developing the Action Research Culture". International Journal of Educational Researchers 15 (4):20-42.