International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-9501

Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2024, Vol. 15(2) 37-51

Rethinking Evidence-Based Practice in Education: A Critical Literature Review of the ‘What Works’ Approach

Andrew Jones

pp. 37 - 51   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2406-01-0005.R2

Published online: June 30, 2024  |   Number of Views: 107  |  Number of Download: 252


This literature review critically examines the concept of ‘evidence-based practice’ (EBP) in education, particularly its implementation in England. EBP, which advocates using scientific research to inform teaching, enjoys widespread support from policymakers and educators. However, concerns exist regarding its emphasis on quantitative evidence, particularly findings from laboratory experiments and randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Critics argue that this approach can reduce teacher autonomy and struggles to adapt to diverse educational contexts. By analysing a broad range of literature, this review explores the current ‘what works’ approach within EBP and highlights its challenges, such as neglecting qualitative data and the complexities of real-world classrooms. The review concludes by advocating for a more balanced approach that integrates both quantitative and qualitative research methods, while fostering collaboration between researchers and practitioners.

Keywords: evidence-based practice, cognitive science, educational research, what works, educational policy

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Jones, A. (2024). Rethinking Evidence-Based Practice in Education: A Critical Literature Review of the ‘What Works’ Approach . International Journal of Educational Researchers, 15(2), 37-51. doi: 10.29329/ijer.2024.1041.3

Jones, A. (2024). Rethinking Evidence-Based Practice in Education: A Critical Literature Review of the ‘What Works’ Approach . International Journal of Educational Researchers, 15(2), pp. 37-51.

Chicago 16th edition
Jones, Andrew (2024). "Rethinking Evidence-Based Practice in Education: A Critical Literature Review of the ‘What Works’ Approach ". International Journal of Educational Researchers 15 (2):37-51. doi:10.29329/ijer.2024.1041.3.

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