Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2010, Vol. 1(3) 43-56

Religious Education in Slovakia - the new challenges


pp. 43 - 56

Publish Date: December 01, 2010  |   Single/Total View: 299/868   |   Single/Total Download: 370/1.833


This article discusses the new challenges in RE in Slovakia. Religious Education in Slovakia is confessional and it is compulsory school subject. In 2008 has started the five-year reform of the Slovak educational system, which is expressed in the new State Educational Program. In this program RE is a part of curriculum domain 'Human being and values' and the content of RE is fully in the competence of particular Churches and religious societies. The competence-based education and creating of new curriculum bring the RE teachers lots of problems and they face new challenges in the teaching process itself. There is strong effort of Slovak Ministry of Education to transform the traditional teacher-centred education into child- centred education, which should bring more creativity into classrooms. RE is open to new trends in teaching-learning process and using various teaching methods.

Keywords: religious education (RE), challenge, RE teacher, competencies, transformation, educational system.

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APA 7th edition
ZOZULAKOVA, V., & ZOZULAK, J. (2010). Religious Education in Slovakia - the new challenges. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 1(3), 43-56.

ZOZULAKOVA, V. and ZOZULAK, J. (2010). Religious Education in Slovakia - the new challenges. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 1(3), pp. 43-56.

Chicago 16th edition
ZOZULAKOVA, Viera and Jan ZOZULAK (2010). "Religious Education in Slovakia - the new challenges". International Journal of Educational Researchers 1 (3):43-56.

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