International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-9501

Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2023, Vol. 14(3) 43-56

Development of the Scientific Literacy Scale: A Study of Validity and Reliability

Ceren Mutluer

pp. 43 - 56   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2308-18-0009.R1

Published online: September 30, 2023  |   Number of Views: 105  |  Number of Download: 492


In this study, it was aimed to develop a scale that measures the concept of scientific literacy, which is often emphasized as one of the 21st century skills. Literature was reviewed and qualitative data were collected, and 48 items were initially created in the item pool. Data were collected from 976 university students for the study. When testing the validity of the scope, 2 items were removed. Construct validity was first examined by EFA. After exploratory factor analysis (EFA), 2 items were removed. AVE and CR values were calculated for convergent and divergent validity. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to test construct validity. In this process, 3 items were removed. Reliability analysis was performed with 41 items. In the process of collecting data for the measurement tool, it was expected for measurement invariance to prove whether the measured feature for men and women changed and whether it proved the validity of the structure. While formal and metric invariance did not change according to gender variable, scalar invariance could not be achieved.

Keywords: The scientific literacy scale, scale development, validity and reliability.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Mutluer, C. (2023). Development of the Scientific Literacy Scale: A Study of Validity and Reliability . International Journal of Educational Researchers, 14(3), 43-56. doi: 10.29329/ijer.2023.595.4

Mutluer, C. (2023). Development of the Scientific Literacy Scale: A Study of Validity and Reliability . International Journal of Educational Researchers, 14(3), pp. 43-56.

Chicago 16th edition
Mutluer, Ceren (2023). "Development of the Scientific Literacy Scale: A Study of Validity and Reliability ". International Journal of Educational Researchers 14 (3):43-56. doi:10.29329/ijer.2023.595.4.

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