Original article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2010, Vol. 1(2) 14-21
pp. 14 - 21
Publish Date: July 01, 2010 | Single/Total View: 192/792 | Single/Total Download: 237/1.645
This study both aimed to present what factors effecting teachers’ professional learning were and investigate these factors. How these factors effected teachers’ professional learning were perceived by teachers and according to which independent and dependent variables they vary were researched. A total of 482 state primary school teachers working in Istanbul province; Kadikoy and Umraniye regions, in the 2006-2007 academic year participated in this study. It has been determined that there were variations in teachers themselves and school culture sub- dimensions according to having in-service training; in school management sub- dimension according to the reason of preferring the profession; in education policy makers and school management sub- dimensions related to class size; and school culture dimension in connection with school size. It was also found out that the factors do differentiate according to gender, having in-service training, teachers’ career phases and class size. Some recommendations were made in relation to the findings.
Keywords: Teacher, Professional Development, Education Management, In-Service Education.
APA 7th edition
INCECAY, V., & BAKIOGLU, A. (2010). Investigating Factors Affecting Teachers’ Professional Learning. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 1(2), 14-21.
INCECAY, V. and BAKIOGLU, A. (2010). Investigating Factors Affecting Teachers’ Professional Learning. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 1(2), pp. 14-21.
Chicago 16th edition
INCECAY, Volkan and Aysen BAKIOGLU (2010). "Investigating Factors Affecting Teachers’ Professional Learning". International Journal of Educational Researchers 1 (2):14-21.