Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2022, Vol. 13(4) 28-41
pp. 28 - 41
Publish Date: December 28, 2022 | Single/Total View: 213/357 | Single/Total Download: 344/617
Business environment and its expectations have been changing due to technological development. Soft learners are needed in professional life therefore adults can carry on their personal and professional developments throughout their lives. The aim of this paper is to present a new learning model intended for adults within lifelong and online learning. This model is named ‘Mistakes Model'. The model is based on three concepts: adult learning, lifelong/ online learning, and self-regulation. The theoretical background of the model is based on Knowles' andragogy and Zimmerman's self-regulation concepts. The model presents a crash individual learning model for adults based on Knowles's explanation because Knowles suggests testing out new learning models for different learners in different situations. The methodology of this study is a case study within a qualitative approach and introspection technique within Sufism was used to collect data. There are three stages of the model: Knot stage, Interval stage, and Unknot stage. The model is successful in learning new knowledge and skills however it should be tested by different adult learners.
Keywords: adult learning, andragogy, lifelong learning, online learning, self-regulation, introspection, learning model
APA 7th edition
Okur-Berberoglu, E. (2022). The Mistakes Model: A new individual learning model intended for professional development of adults. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 13(4), 28-41.
Okur-Berberoglu, E. (2022). The Mistakes Model: A new individual learning model intended for professional development of adults. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 13(4), pp. 28-41.
Chicago 16th edition
Okur-Berberoglu, Emel (2022). "The Mistakes Model: A new individual learning model intended for professional development of adults". International Journal of Educational Researchers 13 (4):28-41.