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International Journal of Educational Researchers 2022, Vol. 13(3) 12-23

The Awareness of Biomimicry among Secondary School Students

Şafak Uluçınar Sağır, Nezahat Kandemi̇r & Ferhat Ozan

pp. 12 - 23

Publish Date: September 30, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 95/554   |   Single/Total Download: 138/883


Natural harmony and functioning have always attracted the attention of people. Humans have imitated systems and mechanisms of nature in many different fields such as technologyand health. The concept of biomimicry stands out in the search for more efficient use of natural resources, sustainability and solutions from nature. The current study aims at determining the secondary school students’ knowledge and awareness towards biomimicry. The case study method was employed and 50 studentsat different grade levelsfrom a rural secondary school in the Central Black Sea Region of Turkey were participated in the study. The data were collectedby survey and interview form developed by the authors. The survey consists of 23 questions and three dimensions namely, science-technology-research relationships, nature-to-design solutions and linking design with nature. A semi-structured interview sheet was also prepared consisting of seven questions about biomimicry awareness. Descriptive and procedural statistics were applied to the data using the SPSS program. We found outthatstudents had a moderate level of science-technology perception and biomimicry awareness. Significant gender-related and grade level-related differences were obtained in different dimensions. Some suggestions were made based on the findings.

Keywords: Biomimicry, science education, secondary school students, science teaching, nature to design.

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APA 7th edition
Sagir, S.U., Kandemi̇r, N., & Ozan, F. (2022). The Awareness of Biomimicry among Secondary School Students. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 13(3), 12-23.

Sagir, S., Kandemi̇r, N. and Ozan, F. (2022). The Awareness of Biomimicry among Secondary School Students. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 13(3), pp. 12-23.

Chicago 16th edition
Sagir, Safak Ulucinar, Nezahat Kandemi̇r and Ferhat Ozan (2022). "The Awareness of Biomimicry among Secondary School Students". International Journal of Educational Researchers 13 (3):12-23.

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