Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2021, Vol. 12(3) 41-51
pp. 41 - 51
Publish Date: September 30, 2021 | Single/Total View: 106/552 | Single/Total Download: 133/891
The purpose of the current study is to investigate teachers' career adaptability in relation to burnout and loneliness in work life. The current study was conducted on 76 male and 168 female teachers having been working at least for five years in the Ministry of National Education. The data of the study were collected by using 'The Burnout Scale', 'The Career Adaptability Scale' and 'The Scale of Loneliness in Work Life'. In the analysis of the collected data, the path analysis technique was used. The findings of the study have revealed that the teachers' experience of burnout decreases their career adaptability (β = -0.29, t = - 4.64; p <0.01). Similarly, the loneliness experienced in the professional life was found to be decreasing the teachers' career adaptability (β = -0.40, t = - 6.37; p <0.01). In addition, a positive and significant correlation was found between burnout and loneliness in the professional life (β = 0.48, t = 8.13; p <0.01). The results of the current study show that there are significant relationships between teachers' career adaptability and burnout and loneliness in work life.
Note: This study was presented as an oral presentation at the 1st International Educational Research and Teacher Education Congress.
Keywords: Teachers, career adaptability, burnout, loneliness in work life
APA 7th edition
Eryilmaz, A., & Kara, A. (2021). Inhibitors of Teachers' Career Adaptability: Burnout and Loneliness in Work Life. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 12(3), 41-51.
Eryilmaz, A. and Kara, A. (2021). Inhibitors of Teachers' Career Adaptability: Burnout and Loneliness in Work Life. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 12(3), pp. 41-51.
Chicago 16th edition
Eryilmaz, Ali and Ahmet Kara (2021). "Inhibitors of Teachers' Career Adaptability: Burnout and Loneliness in Work Life". International Journal of Educational Researchers 12 (3):41-51.
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