Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2021, Vol. 12(2) 29-34
Essam A. Al-Nuaimy, Ali H. A. Twaij, Hussam Ali Mahmood
pp. 29 - 34 | Manu. Number: ijers.2021.009
Published online: June 30, 2021 | Number of Views: 133 | Number of Download: 596
Distance education of all kinds has become a matter of concern to most universities, education centers, and trainers, with the tremendous development that the world is witnessing today, especially in the field of information technology and the expansion of educational technology horizons, by making use of every new method that will accelerate the process of human learning and its development, The most prominent of which is what is known as distance education, and recent years have witnessed an increasing interest in the provision of education and development through the Internet. There are many electronic universities, educational institutions and centers that provide this type of education, in addition to integrated programs and scientific certificates obtained by those who complete the prescribed curriculum and several companies have also adopted it to train human staff to hone skills or update information in the field of work. In this paper, the researcher aims to discuss the role that the COVID-19 pandemic played in bringing the distance education project out of drawers into practical application in many of our schools and universities, as schools and university colleges gave virtual lectures and enabled students to follow the lectures at their homes via computers. Without this pandemic situation, our schools and universities would not have practiced distance education. The researchers also concluded that distance education has the following characteristics: flexibility, ability, impact and effectiveness, interaction, and equality.
Keywords: distance education, electronic universities, characteristics of distance education, covid-19 pandemic, advantages of e-learning
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