Original article | International Journal of Educational Researchers 2021, Vol. 12(1) 9-23
Gülgün Bangir Alpan, Satı Burhanlı
pp. 9 - 23 | Manu. Number: ijers.2021.002
Published online: March 29, 2021 | Number of Views: 99 | Number of Download: 669
This study aims to investigate design principles that keep university students on digital platforms through the learning process. The participants of the study are university students who use actively digital platforms in their learning process. The qualitative research is used in the design of the study. In this scope, 27 university students were interviewed to learn about their digital learning experiences. The results of the study showed that design elements that motivate university students use digital media in their learning process are categorized under five themes. These are visual design, audio-visual design, content design, interaction, and narrator characteristics. The results of the study can help to understand the university students’ learning behaviors on digital media. Furthermore, they can be used in the development and enrichment of educational content in digital media.
Keywords: Digital Learning, Instructional Design, Design Elements
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