Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2020, Vol. 11(3) 1-7
pp. 1 - 7
Publish Date: September 30, 2020 | Single/Total View: 238/604 | Single/Total Download: 353/1.100
Globally, 5 to 10 % of the total population is suffering from dyslexia. Since dyslexia is considered as an educational problem, with difficulties that focus on weaknesses in the acquisition of literacy skills, the main emphasis of assistance should be educational and must concentrate on improving those skills. Thus, such a language learning disability incurs fatal impediments in developing efficient language abilities both within and outside the academic realm. To overcome these difficulties early intervention is a prerequisite. The awareness level of dyslexia among masses is ever more decreasing, resulting in delayed diagnosis and remediation. In an attempt to assist in this direction, the present paper provides insights about language learning disabilities ' dyslexia in particular, its characteristics, causes, as well as manifestations. By adopting a descriptive research methodology, the paper investigates the challenges dyslexia generates for academic literacy development and English language pedagogy. Further, the purpose of this study is to elaborate upon the affective as well as the psychological problems dyslexic learners struggle with and their contemporary challenges. This study also highlights and suggests ways of proven assistance for learners coping with dyslexia. Therefore, this paper is an attempt to offer a holistic review of language learning disabilities and aims at increasing awareness for early diagnosis of dyslexia and its treatment to a great extent.
Keywords: Dyslexia, language acquisition, language pedagogy, psychological factors, assistive technology.
APA 7th edition
Khan, S. (2020). Understanding Issues in Dyslexic learners’ Pedagogy, the Role of Assistive Technology, and its Challenges. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 11(3), 1-7.
Khan, S. (2020). Understanding Issues in Dyslexic learners’ Pedagogy, the Role of Assistive Technology, and its Challenges. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 11(3), pp. 1-7.
Chicago 16th edition
Khan, Saima (2020). "Understanding Issues in Dyslexic learners’ Pedagogy, the Role of Assistive Technology, and its Challenges". International Journal of Educational Researchers 11 (3):1-7.