Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Educational Researchers 2019, Vol. 10(4) 20-36
pp. 20 - 36
Publish Date: December 31, 2019 | Single/Total View: 935/996 | Single/Total Download: 1.378/1.816
With the advent of the K to 12 basic education program, it gave birth to the senior high curriculum. Senior high school curriculum offers a wide range of subjects that will prepare young Filipinos to go for further studies, entrepreneur or employment. These subjects were grouped into specialized, core and applied. One of the subjects included in applied is research. There are four (4) research subjects: Practical Research 1, Practical Research 2, Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion and Research or Capstone Project (for STEM). Thus, it is expected that senior high school students will be research oriented individuals. With this, it is essential for teachers to identify the proficiency level of students in doing research. Thus, the researcher aimed to design and develop an instrument with established validity and reliability.
This study utilized a design and development research approach to establish the empirical basis in the creation of an instrument to measure students' research competencies. Moreover, descriptive quantitative research design will be employed in validating the developed instrument. This will be done through the use of a validation checklist.
A five - phase model was used to create an instrument. These phase involved Phase I - Review of Literature and Defining of Constructs, Phase II - Development of Items, Phase III - Designing of Checklist and Initial Try - Out, Phase IV - Content Validation and Initial Revision and Phase V 'Pilot Testing and Final Revision. The developed instrument was named as Practical Research Competencies Inventory Checklist (RCIC). Experts validated the developed instrument and it obtained a Kappa value of 0.82 (almost perfect agreement) and an Aiken value of 0.89 (Valid). When subject for pilot testing and Cronbach's alpha was computed, it obtained a value of 0.96, which implies an excellent internal consistency reliability.
Keywords: Checklist, Design and Development, Reliability, Research Competencies, Validity
APA 7th edition
Molina, R. (2019). Development of an Instrument to Measure Practical Research Competencies in Senior High School. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(4), 20-36.
Molina, R. (2019). Development of an Instrument to Measure Practical Research Competencies in Senior High School. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 10(4), pp. 20-36.
Chicago 16th edition
Molina, Romenick (2019). "Development of an Instrument to Measure Practical Research Competencies in Senior High School". International Journal of Educational Researchers 10 (4):20-36.